ok some Tricky headcannons *dies*

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!Please Tell me if these don't sound canon I will change it!

Tricky marks you by biting/ clawing you in the neck or arm,
Tricky has different type of bites, If he bites you softly it means „Your Mine!", If he bites you normally it means „Hey!", If he bites you while digging his claws into you it means „Your my Prey.".

Tricky has separation anxiety and loves to be near anyone even if it's hank.

Tricky has some abandonment issues.

Tricky doesent care if people hate him.

Tricky gets easily feral sadly and will kill anyone when he's feral, he doesent care.

Tricky is very feminine yet still goes by He/Him pronouns

Tricky roars like a cougar.

Really, no one can help tricky when he's Feral, if he kills someone like Sanford, Deimos, Hank,Jeb while he's feral he would probably feel bad, after he's calmed down he would act like nothing happened.

Tricky takes out his trauma, anger, on anyone when he's in a bad mood.

Tricky would probably talk to himself when it's the middle of the night and cry in a corner.

ok some sad ones now:

Since Tricky was basically abused and used by Auditor, he would almost start crying at the sight of or when someone talks about auditor

Tricky try's to forget the trauma hes been through with the improbability drive and other shit so How he try's to forget it is by crying.

Tricky would be kidnapped and been used as a experiment for A.A.H.W
And wouldn't be released until a few days causing him to be very feral when he is released and the affects will kick into him.

Tricky doesent know if he's Feral so when he is he basically has no control, he's just like a wild animal.

It messed Tricky the fuck up when he reliased he was a zombie when he got killed so he probably sometimes Hallucinates hes still his normal self.

some madness combat head cannons i guessWhere stories live. Discover now