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Third p.o.v:

It was a rainy day. The pair of new married men walked to the high building.

-Ei, are you sure he lives here?

-Denki, I am totally sure that he lives here, on 13 floor.

-You know he won't open. Denki said when they went into the lift.

-Yeah, but we should try tough.

-You are right.

Few moments later they were on 13 floor. Kirishima knocked on the door.

Bakugo p.o.v:

I play with Martha, when I hear the knock on my door.

-Martha, I need to go somewhere, I'll be right back.

I stand up and walk to the door. I hear my best friend say:

-Hey Bakubro! It's me, Kirishima! Me and Denki want to say that we found a specialist that you need to meet, we are really worried. We know that you won't open, but here is a schedule for a meeting with him!

Kiri and his husband went back, and I opened the door and took a paper. Oh... So they want me to go to a psychologist... Fine, I need to call my friend.


-Hi! It's Katsuki, I need you to stay with Martha.

-Sure! But why do you need my help?

-I need to go to a psychologist.

-Is something wrong?!

-No!!! My friends wanted me to, and already scheduled this..

-Phew, don't scare me like this.. Okay. I'm on my way! I'll be there in a few minutes.

She hang up.

-Well.. Martha I am sorry, I need to go... Auntie Sarah will come here to stay with you!

She was nearly crying. I took her in my hands.

-Shhh.. Baby I am sorry, shh... I'll be here soon...

She slowly fell asleep as I heard a quiet knock on my door. I went to open it with Martha in my hands.

-Hey! Sarah whispered

-Yeah, hello. We fell asleep..

-Yeah I see. Lay her down, and go. I'll stay.

-Sa, you are my life-saver!!!

-Yeah, yeah. Go.. You will be late.

Half an hour later:

I am walking into the clinic. It was actually near my house. Reception is... here!

-Hello! I need in the 106 cabinet.

-106? Sure it's a few doors left, in the blue corridor.

-Thank you.

Blue corridor... here. Yes, here is the cabinet. I knock on the door

-Yeah come in. I heard a quite familiar voice. I come in and see him:


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