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TWO MONTHS LATER, Anastasiya Maximoff found herself stood outside of an apartment block, several bags at her feet, with Tony Stark and his bodyguard stood next to her.

"Are you ready?" Tony asked, turning to her, smiling.

"Honestly? No."

The older man laughed, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be different, but it's going to be good. You're going to live a somewhat normal life, with two amazing people. Go to a school, I don't know, make some friends your own age. It'll be good for you."

The young girl sighed, as Tony handed her a piece of paper.

"Here's your paperwork, you'll start school in a day or two. Midtown tech, it's a good school. Peter goes there, so you'll have him to help you. You two have gotten close during the time you've known each other, right?"

Anastasiya nodded, opening the envelope she had just been given.

"Anya Maxwell?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows. "Really?"

"It's not awful!" Tony exclaimed. "It's just in case. You should be fine, but you'll never know. There's also brown hair dye in there too. May said she'll help you with that."

Anastasiya's arms dropped to her sides as she sighed, tucking everything, including several letters from Natasha, who now has her new address, into her backpack.

"Okay," she said softly.

"I'll keep in contact with you. You have my personal number, I want to know everything's going. Promise you'll keep me updated?"

The redhead nodded, as Tony pulled her into a one armed hug.

"I believe in you, kid. I'll miss having you around. Livened up the place a bit."

Anastasiya smirked as she let go of him, reaching down to pick her bags off the floor. "I'll miss you too, Tony."

"Happy'll take your bags."

"It's okay, I've got them. I'll manage," she huffed, making her way up the stairs and towards the door.

Tony waved to her, getting into his car, watching the girl disappear behind the glass and stepping into the elevator. As soon as she was out of sight, he and Happy drove off into the darkness.


Anastasiya held her breath as she knocked on the door. It was flung open several seconds later, by a very flustered looking May Parker.

In the short amount of time she had known the woman, she had grown very fond of her. Her and the two Parkers often had dinner together, and she was very appreciative that May was able to take her in.

May didn't know Peter was Spider-Man, and she believed that the time Peter was away in Germany, he was working with Tony for the internship. All she knew about Anastasiya, was that she was staying with Tony who was now unable to take care of her due to the lasting affects of the Sokovia Accords.

Surprisingly, no one recognised Ana from that news article. She assumed that Tony had managed to cover it up, but she was still cautious.

"Ana! You're here! Oh, let me help you in with your bags. I'm just making dinner. Have you eaten?"

Anastasiya smiled at her — in some way, Ana saw her as a mother figure. Besides from Natasha, and the short time she stayed with her parents in Sokovia, she'd never really felt that way. It felt nice.

"Hey! Thank you," she said softly, as the older woman began to help her through the door. "And no, I haven't eaten yet."

The door slammed behind her, the fresh smell of food wafting through the air.

"Peter isn't here right now, I told him you'd be coming so he should be back for dinner. You can put your stuff in his room, that's where you'll be staying."

"Peter doesn't mind me staying in his room? Anastasiya asked, her brown eyes growing.

"No, of course not. He's rather fond of you. He's so excited for you to stay with us. The last few days that's all I've been hearing about, you coming to stay with us."

The young girl smiled. "Thank you. For taking me in, I mean. You really didn't have to do that."

"I know. I wanted to. It might be nice to have another girl in the house."

"Oh um, I have to dye my hair. I was wondering if you could help me. I've never done that before."

"We can do that after dinner, it's nearly ready."

"Thank you." A second later, there was a second knock on the door, and a very sweaty Peter Parker stepped through the door.

"Ana! You're here!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms around her.

"Ew, you're all sweaty." But she returned the hug anyway.

"Peter, help Ana take her stuff to your room. Be quick, before the food goes cold."

Peter nodded, swiftly grabbing a suitcase and flinging it over his shoulder. He gestured for the girl to follow him, flinging the door to his bedroom open.  She'd been in it countless times, but she always felt happy to be in there. She felt safe. She felt safe with Peter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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