Ch. 6: Dinner and Attention

Start from the beginning

They laughed and I punched her lightly as the boys chuckled as they got into their seats. Zayn holding out my chair and Harry doing the same for Beth. On one side it was Liam, Louis, Me and Zayn. And the other was Danielle, Eleanor, Niall, Beth and Harry. "On a scale of one to ten how big of a fan are you?"

"100." I told Eleanor. "Maybe more?"

"How bad did she freak out?" Danielle whispered across to Liam, but I still heard.

"Actually not that bad. A couple moments of excitement. Nothing too big." He smiled at her and she nodded happily. They were adorable. "Seems like the boys really like her. And her cousin is a real laugh."

I moved in my chair shuffling in the seat trying not to listen to the others conversations too much. Beth seemed to be engaged in a story with Harry and Zayn of when we went to Mexico to see part of our family. They boys seemed to enjoy the way she made our totally boring trip seem interesting and they told her of the places they enjoyed on the last tour. I shifted again and hit something with my foot. A face peered out from look at the menu to to make a snappy remark at me.

"Oi, watch your feet!" Niall joked.

"Me? Maybe you should divert your attention from the menu and pay attention to your surrondings."

"Are you trying to say I should pay more attention to you?" He asked winking. I automatically flushed. He was cheeky alright. I began to stutter trying to tell him that's not why I put my foot there. "You don't have to hit my foot to get my attention; just ask."

"I- No. That's not why I did it." I look in my lap and began to fiddle with my thumbs. Yes, I was awkward when people flirted with me. Even though I was a huge flirt. But that was when I wasn't trying. And when I did... It was bad. I was bad.

Wait, that means Niall is flirting with me?




How many people can say Niall flirted with them? Not many... Well at least not of the people I knew. This was not a time to be timid, I told myself. Your celebrity crush is talking to you one-on-one. This is a once in a life time thing. Any girl would kill to be you. You'd kill to be you right now if it was some one else. Dont think. Time to use that Royal Charm.

"So I just half to ask?" I said looking up from my hands to him. His eyes widened as he seemed taked aback at the new confidence I gained.

He grinned, "That's all you have to do."

"Hmm. Hey Niall?"


"I want your attention all night."

"One condition."

I cocked an eyebrow. "And that is?"

"What's mine is yours. What's yours is mine."

It took me a second to get what he was hinting at, but I realized that if I had his attention that meant he had mine as well. "Deal."

"Ask Janie herself! I kid you not we were this close to be stung by a jellyfish."

"You mean that time we were on the banana boat with Blanca?" I asked Beth and the boys groaned at me obviously confirming her story.

"Told you I had the most badass near death experiences." She told them. "You boys may travel a lot but it seems like you don't really enjoy the stay."

"We try but its hard when you have to leave soon to a new location and if you do go out not get caught by fans." Harry told her and I began to get engaged in their conversation even after we ordered and were waiting for their food. He and Zayn were telling us about all the times the fans would bombard them when they tried to do something.

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