The Sucking Game

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I woke to a growling stomach and a parched mouth. I seriously regret not brushing my teeth last night. I grumbled, and jumped out of my bed. My closet was located across the room from me, and it felt like ages until i finally laid my hand on the glass knob.

I entered, and started browsing through the different varieties of clothes that i had collected throughout the years. None of it's new, and i preferred it that way. I, however, wished that people would dress in older clothes more often, instead of dressing themselves up like barbie dolls. Simple, but elegant, some might say.

I grabbed a black True Blood shirt with Sam Merlott on it, and dark-wash skinny jeans. I paired the outfit of with black flats. See? Simple. I trudged to the bathroom, grabbing my backpack from under my bed. I took the time to brush my hair, and add a little lip gloss. I mean, I'm still a girl, and girl's want to feel beautiful once in a while, right?

The sweet smell of pancakes drifted up from downstairs and my mouth watered even more. I knew that my mother had gotten up to cook for me, because I could hear the pots and pans rattling about earlier. Bless her soul. I hope she made chocolate chip!

I ran downstairs, carefully keeping a tight grip on the banister so i wouldn't fall. That would be just my luck.

I saw my mum standing in her bathrobe, dishing out the last pancake from the pan, and placing it on top of this already large stack. I was practically jumping in excitement. Come on, Come on, faster woman!

She finally sat the plate in the middle of the table, and i jumped up to get the dishes and the silverware. "Is dad home?" I asked.

She glanced up, and smiled. "No, he had to go into the office today. Mr. Jones needed him to look over some blueprints and some new floor plans, or whatever."

My dad worked at this major construction business, and he loved his job. If he didn't love us, he would've probably had gotten a minister and paid the man to marry him to the building!

I shrugged, and added some peanut butter to my pancakes, before adding the syrupy goodness that was Mrs. Butterworths. I took the first bite, and moaned in ecstasy. It was SO good! I could've died right then and there, and I would've died happily.

My mother was laughing at me. She always laughed whenever i ate my pancakes. She finds everything I do, quite amusing, actually.

I hurried and finished four pancakes, before glancing at the clock. It was TEN minutes before class started! Holy crap! My mother noticed the time to, and quickly cleaned up the table, and grabbed my keys off the key-rack while I put on my shoes.

I ran up to her and gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Love ya!" I shouted. I distinctly heard an "I love you" back, but I was already out the door and slamming my black BMW X6's car door shut.

It took me about seven minutes to reach Old Creek High, and it would take me two minutes to race in and get my stuff. My god, this was a nightmare. I quickly found locker 309 and unlocked it, pulling out my stuff for my homeroom class. I ran, and I was just about to turn the corner that would lead me to the classroom door, when I ran into a wall. A very hard wall at that.

I looked down and found faded out black steel toed boots. My eyes traveled up to black pants and higher still to a white shirt. I looked passed their eyes and looked at their hair. It was, and i shouldn't be surprised, black. All in all, he was kinda cute. Cute being an understatement.

A slight cough brought my eyes shooting up, causing me to stare into the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

My God...

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