1. The Blue Eyed Arab.

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🍁 Power of Istigfar and The Result of having faith in Allah

Back then I was stuyding in Al-Khansa Hifzkhana(its a school for Quran Memorization), was probably 15/16 years old. We had a  middle aged african woman in our area.

One day there was a class going on about how to make Dua and have them accepted. We were discussing on the topic and that woman started crying saying-"My daughter is very stubborn, she was asking for something that we all knew was impossible. She was growing up fast.We got many proposals from men of our tribe but she wasnt giving consent to any of them. She is of black complexion, very tall and quite healthy. In our tribe this type of girls are very pretty but in these Arab countries, Arabs prefer girls who are slim thin and of white complexion. So, my daughter's wish was to marry an Arab guy who has a beautiful white complexion. I used to scold her a lot, used to explain to her that if she kept wishing for such proposal she wont ever be able to get married in this life.
My daughter used to say will you marry me off or my Allah will? A few days later my older son brought a proposal from an Arab and we were really happy.But my daughter refused because the guy was old and had three wives before her. She felt angry amd told us that she wants a deeni, Arab and blue eyed beautiful young man from Allah. That we dont need to worry about her. Allah will bring her the man she wants.
We realized that she wont ever be able to get married..firstly she is black skinned and wants a white skinned Arab.We are of low lineage poor people and the Arabs are of high lineage and extremely rich. Everything's okay but blue eyes?? What madness is this?? Arabs mostly have brown eyes and sometimes black eyes too.Brown and black. English people have blue eyes not Arabs. We thought she probably doesnt want to get married thats why she wants all these qualities in her partner. One day I rebuked her a lot,,beat her too. My daughter kept crying and said she will leave this house within a week with her blue eyed Arab husband. It made us really angry, we called her crazy and undisciplined.
That one week my daughter cried a lot on her prayer mat and prayed to Allah day and night. On the 7th day, a proposal came for her from a blue eyed, beautiful Arab man. We were so so happy, i dont think i can express it in words. I was surprised to see my daughter's Yakin, tawakkul and the strength of her Dua. On my daughter's wedding day i asked her what she used to say while making Dua. She said i used to do Istigfar all day long amd used to ask Allah for what i want at night. And i has Yakin, i had full trust that everything is possible for Allah.
Now its been over 10 years that my daughter is happily married.Their children are also beautiful.White, black and in between complexion. But the funny part is that all of them have blue eyes.

-Zainab Ustadah

-Zainab Ustadah

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