With glassy eyes, Emma watched the man of her heart disappear on the second floor.

Leaving her behind.

After such chaos in her life , the sudden silence got to her. The tick tock of the clock , the thoughts swirling in her head, the beat of her heart. . . everything was amplifying with each passing second.

Glancing around wildly, she lifted her gown and nearly ran towards the grand staircase. Going up up up.

Not looking behind at all.

The demons were down . Waiting for her to collapse so they could drown her. They were all over her head, in her heart. .they wanted to drag her down to pit of darkness. Swallow her whole. Feast on her misery.

Misery opens up portals to demons.

You've faced things no one could! You cannot give up! You hear me?!

Biting her lower lip hard, she knew where she had to be. She had to think rationally.

Emma couldn't be safe in her own room.

Safety lived in his room.


Emma's heart sank when he entered the room.

Occupying the bed, she didn't know what to do? How to react? Should she stay or scramble away? Run or hide from his wrath?

What was left anyway?

Emma fisted the bed sheet when he entered suddenly. His eyes impassive , his face stone cold and then he paused . .as if just realizing he couldn't be alone in his room anymore.

With bated breath, she saw his eyes shift to her figure and instantly his eyes filled up with unkempt hostility and volatile rage!

He slammed the door shut!

Making her jump!

As he stalked towards the bed, his hard chest raising up an down. The exhilaration getting to him. He was on her head in the blink of an eye.

Watching her occupying his bed , clutching at his bed sheet . . Maximus clenched his fists. Every breath seemed to draw in fire , hate and. .an emotion he couldn't seem to get rid of .

"Just the thought of sharing the same air as you is beyond disgusting . " His low voice ripped her heart into shreds.

"Pat yourself on your back. You got what you wanted, Emma." His snide remark had her getting off the bed.

Her soul had been whipped at raw.

This time she didn't held it back.

Her eyes came alive with fire! As she moved towards him without any fear. Face to face, nose to nose. .both of them were breathing hard!

One word broke from her lips.

"Why. ."

He didn't answer.

Just watched her burning alive.

Emma couldn't take it anymore!

She lifted her hands and pushed at his chest harshly! Not at all making him budge.

Breathless, she tried to push at him again when he caught her wrists in a vice like grip, stilling her. .and breaking her down the next second as he ripped her hands off of his chest. As if her touch had been filthy.

"Why did you marry me? " She breathed harshly, ignoring the full throb around her wrists.

A venomous smile lifted his mouth.

"It's astounding how people like you still have the courage to ask around questions. "

"Why did you marry me?!" Gritting her teeth,  she repeated as if she didn't hear him.

His dark eyebrows shot up as he bent down slightly. .the tip of his nose almost touching hers.

"Marriage ,you ask? This is no marriage. This is a contract. After six months you're out. To my sister, we are a happily married couple and don't you dare try to paint it otherwise. ." He whispered softly. . breaking her down gently. . backing off.

"I'll tell every single soul of your treachery." She bit down in a hard voice.

"Tell them and watch a Mrs Bagshot beg on roads. It would be a shame to see such an old woman cry for pennies but then what would you know about shame. ." He smirked, his eyes impassive and deadly.

A pang of hurt resonated throughout her. She couldn't believe this was the man she fell for? Where did he go? Where did he vanish?

He was threatening her now?

"How-how can you do this to me. ." She wondered out loud. .in disbelief.

Maximus smirked.

"I see the hot anger burning in your eyes. I heard revenge is a dish best served cold. I'm only improvising it by serving it hot."


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