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She had made friends.

Sort of.

Kopik, the 60-ish wilting gardener. His skin seemed sun burned because of constantly working under the sun. He always had a cloth wrapped around his head for comfort. Whistling and watering the plants. .he seemed like, he was at the top of the world.

Emma would offer him a drink or some snacks and he would politely decline. According to him, his drinks and food reached him without delay.

She had discovered, he had an illegitimate daughter with a prostitute and upon finding, his wife had thrown him out on the streets.

The prostitute too hauled his daughter out of her house.

And Emma thought she had a hard life. There were people like him. . turning the lemons,  life had thrown at him, into lemonade.

Kopik only had this job to survive.

"I dunno care. As long as the girlie is happy I'm ready to work under hell." He said while wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

Emma had smiled seeing the love of a father for his daughter. The sweat, the tired sighs . .she could do nothing but pray for him.

But then the weak could do nothing but utter a soft prayer and hope the breeze would carry it to the throne of God.

And then there was him. .

Frank, the almost 50 years old brooding driver had a scary aura but once Emma started to talk to him. .the ice melted away and bit by bit she learned her lesson . .don't judge a book by its cover.

Some people just had a resting bitch face syndrome.

Frank was a sufferer of that.

It was tough to get around his hardcore exterior but one day he did crack a smile at her.

He would grunt when Emma would ask him a question.

Bark out a laugh when Emma wouldn't get his joke. His jokes weren't exactly sunshine and daisy. They revolved around death and macabre situations which he found amusing.

Turned out, he was an ex military man. Experienced in driving around in any vehicle you put him in.

It had been five days since incident number 2. And this time she did something different.

She quit hiding.

Quit keeping her voice down.

Quit walking slow without making any noise.

She reminded herself, she was not working for free. She had the same rights as him. She was free to walk around as being told by her boss!

But of course, all the vows and defiance fell apart when he would arrive.

The second he would step in—

She would hightail from there.

Not giving him a chance at anything and it was strange but since two days . .she had felt his eyes on her.

Talking to Diana, he would look at her as if just being reminded of her existence. she would feel the weight of his eyes—and the next second his eyes would snap back to Diana.

It was as if. .he wanted to say something? Which was ridiculous! His hatred and outrage at her—nope! She had to be mistaken.

Maybe this is why she was hiding again. Showing her back to her vows.

"I don't think I can. .," She trailed off watching him sigh.

"This ," his hands ,dirt up in mud, held the white lilly flower . " is meant for you, miss. Plant it. " He had an such honest smile . The gardener was giving her his heart.

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