Best day ever

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~Wanda is 18 weeks pregnant~

It's been two week sense i told peter i was pregnant. Peter has set up a doctor's appointment to check our baby's health and to find out our baby gender. I am so excited for when we go stargazing .

I wake up and see Peter staring at me."Why are you staring at me like that" I said giggling. "Just admiring your beauty" Peter said with a smirk "I love you so much"i said kiss him quickly as get up to get ready for the appointment. I stand in the mirror to see a little bump 'i can't wait to see you ' i thought as i felt peter hand on my stomach."Today's is the day to see the baby. You ready wanda?" Peter said. "yes i just hope the baby healthy" i said worried "Wanda everything is going to be okay. Now let's get breakfast I'm starving" he said rubbing my belly I giggled "Yeah breakfast sounds amazing right now" I said excitedly as we walked out the room.

I walked into the kitchen with a pep in my step and sat by Nat. "Well somebody's in a good mood today" Nat said "Well can you keep a secret" i asked "I'm a spy and ex-assassin so yeah I can keep a secret" Nat said " Fair Point ok peter is taking me out on the town. I told Peter that I never been out on the town of New York so that's what we're doing today" I said smiling I don't want to lie to her but I'm not ready to tell her yet. "are you going to do something else with peter" Nat said wiggling her eyebrows. I started to blush beat red "N-no nothing like that" I started to blush at imagining doing it again "Okay ok when you get back tell me how your date went" Nat said winking as she walks away. I just stared at her in shock as she walked away until I felt someone hand on my shoulder snapping me back into reality.

I look over my shoulder to see Peter " "Hey Wanda you ready to go?"he asked "Y-yeah" I blush as we walk toward the elevator. The elevator dings in Steve walks out " Where are you two going?" Steve said and his mom pose "Well me and Wanda are going to hang out for the entire day" Peter answered quickly "okay just don't be out too long I don't want you to get mugged" Steve said he he more like a mom than a dad."okay mom" we said it sarcastically "Wanda,Peter I'm serious be safe okay" Steve said and if Captain America voice. " we know will be careful don't worry"peter said as we enter the elevator. "Hey pete can we start child birthing class? when I'm in my third trimester of course. You know our class for us to to have more quality time together and with the baby" I asked "That's a good idea we can learn basics of being a parent while having quality time with each other" Peter said I can you kiss my head.

~Time skip~

Peter and Wanda made their way to the clinic " you're excited?" Peter asked. "yeah and a little bit nervous" I responded while it was rubbing my baby bump.

Peter held the door of the clinic for Wanda. We walked up to the receptions counter "hi im peter i have made an appointment yesterday" peter said to the lady "ok name?"She asked. "Wanda Maximoff" i responded the lady types a few things on the computer and handed me a clipboard. " I'm going to need you to fill these out for me, then Dr.Valentine should be with you".

I took the clipboard and went to sit down."Peter can you help me fill this out?" I asked "y-yeah sure" peter started helping me with the basics like age, name, date of birth etc. I turned the clipboard in a few minutes pass by before I was called." Wanda Maximoff" and Peter got up and walk towards the woman."Hi I'm Dr.Valentine, follow me this way".

We walked into a room so Dr.Valentine can get basic medical information from me to begin the appointment.

"Okay now that we are done with that follow me to the ultrasound room" dr.Valentines said we followed her out of the room. We got in the room "Wanda can you laid down on the table" I did what she said and lay down on a bed while peter stood beside me as i hold his hand.

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