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What he did not expect to see when he woke up was white pillows and a light orange blanket that was way too fluffy and soft. He quickly sits up and glances around the unknown room.

Everything looked way too nice and clean. In a way, it ticked off Katsuki at how perfect everything is.

How could a room look as if no one had stepped foot in it?

He forces those thoughts down to think about the bigger issues. He had no idea where he was. He also had no idea what happened.

The last thing that Katsuki remembers was staring at a car ceiling. Not the best memory but it's something.

Katsuki pushes himself up from the bed only to be tugged back down by a chain cuffed tightly around his wrist.

What in the actual hell is going on? As soon as Katsuki realizes that the cuff isn't loose enough to where he can just squeeze his hand out he loses his shit.

He begins to violently tug at the chain that's tightly wrapped around his wrist.  His wrist goes red at the harsh treatment. He growls in anger as he struggles to get his hand free.

"Why such anger?"

Oh, Katsuki knew that fucking voice. He looks over at Shoto and gives his worst glare that he can muster.

"Why are you giving me such a look?" Shoto says as he looks Katsuki up and down. "It seems you have slept well," Katsuki rolls his eyes at the man's words.

Yes, it was true, Katsuki slept the best he has in decades but he'd much rather be passed out on his couch in his own apartment, not at some guy’s house that kidnapped him.

"Where the fuck am I?" Katsuki had a slight rasp to his voice as he spoke. His mouth felt dry while his throat felt as if it were about to die.

"Shall I get you water? Or would you care for something else?" Shoto asks, completely dodging Katsuki's question.

"What I'd like is for you to tell me where the hell I am," Katsuki is so confused. Do other vampires kidnap each other? If so, what the fuck?

Shoto stares for a moment before leaving the room. Katsuki glares at his back as he leaves.

How the hell is he supposed to get out of here? The only window that Katsuki could possibly escape from is a foot away from the bed.

With how tightly the chain is on his wrist he knows there is just no way he can climb out of the window unless he wants his arm ripped off.

Katsuki can only plan though. His strength is low which does nothing but push plans out of his mind.

'Why is Shoto even keeping me here?' Katsuki thinks to himself as he looks around the fairly large room. The room is as large as Katsuki's living room back at his apartment.

The room is dim, most likely because the only light that is on is a lamp that sat on a small wooden table by the door.

The room smelled of spice and lavender. It is most likely because of a candle that had been lit previously.

Katsuki tries not to freak out as he struggles to come up with ideas of how to escape. Is there a way out of here?

The door suddenly opens and incomes Shoto. Katsuki is immediately alert. Shoto can practically smell the hate and fear coming off the other vampire.

"Calm down, I won't harm you," Shoto says before holding up a glass of what seems to be blood. It clearly has to be blood. It’s thick and dark crimson. Unless it’s some old punch but Katsuki doubts it.

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