Day 2-Arts and Crafts

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"Ari babe? It's time to wake up." she groaned up did rollover to shot up. She noticed the food first then looked at me and saw Lilly.

"Oh, she is so tiny, is she okay?" she was so caring I loved that about her. I undid the sling and held Lilly in my arms. I must have somehow woken her up as she gave a big yawn and rubbed her eyes. Ari took her from my arms as I brought our food closer to us.

"I believe so love, I think she's just really comfortable right now. I'm expecting her to start being more in-between headspace and her normal headspace in the upcoming week." I grabbed my tea and started to drink it as I saw Lilly make grabby hands to her bottle. Arianna grabbed it and be it for her as she started to eat her food.

"I thought I was the one with the psychology degree" she laughed at me as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Once again lovely breakfast dear, the streaky bacon is good. The eggs are good you haven't made them in a while" she looked so happy biting into her food. This is why I love cooking because I get to make her happy thought the day. Lilly had her hands on the bottle holding it in place, she looked to be enjoying her morning smoothie. She stopped eating to look at her phone and she looked confused.

"What is it dear? Is everything okay?" she normally got this confused look when one of her staff would message her about something. We don't keep up on all colloquialisms or all the latest trending terms. If we see one that seems to be gaining traction then we lay attention so we can blend in easier. We both appear to look in our early 30s, so we have to present ourselves in that way.

"Oh it's nothing, apparently there was a complaint put in about us not having new magazines or giving candy to children." she laughed and put her phone away after sending off a quick note. Lilly was bored of the bottle now and was reaching to get things off her mama's plate.

"Looks like she wants some of your food." she looked and broke off a piece of egg giving it to her, then some sausage and bacon. She placed Lilly on the bed to crawl around. Obviously putting a barrier around the bed so she didn't fall off. It was fun watching her explore and then turn to us making sure we were still there.

"So what are the plans today, you woke us up so early dear. How about we just have a nice lazy day play a little do some arts and crafts? I think that will be fun, do you want to paint Lilly? We can get the finger paints out and you can make all the pretty pictures or mess you want. I should probably take you to the office to get an exam. When was the last time you went to the doctor?" Lilly didn't seem to like that idea so she crosses her arms and changed back to her normal self.

"I hate the doctors and arts and crafts! I'm not going anywhere and I'm not coloring because I'm not good at it. I won't make anything good." I move over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Well, how about we don't go anywhere and Mama just gives you an exam or we can just color? I have adult coloring books since it seems you don't feel small anymore." she nodded and went to leave the bed but was stopped by the barrier.

"Ma let me off the bed, I don't want to be here right now." I look to my wife and she ended her spell and sat up.

"We don't have to do any sort of check-up today if you don't want to, remember we won't force you to do anything. I would like to make sure you're healthy and just check to see the basics like reflexes and eye movement." I move back to my wife and place a hand on her arm.

"How about you get ready for the day, Lilly and I can go downstairs and clean some dishes. I'll put on a movie for us to watch. You know Disney+ has Newsies and I want to watch that." I end the conversation since Lilly seems to want it to end. We will circle back to it later.

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