part 2

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*The next week*
*Text messages*
Jace: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang later with me and Alicia at my house?
Y/n: Yeah, sure that sounds great.
Jace:Perfect, is 1:30 a good time?
y/n : Yeah, that's perfect.
Jace:Ok great, see you then.

y/n: SAM!!!!
Sam: What!?
y/n: Jace wants to hang out, you have to help me get ready please!
Sam: Ok, I'll be over in 5.
y/n:Ok, thank you.
*5 minutes later Sam came to y/n apartment*

"Hey, thanks for coming." y/n said as Sam walked in.

"Of course, now we have no time to lose because it's 12:34 so come on." Sam said as she looked at her phone.They walked into the hallway to y/n room for her clothes

"Ok so what look are we going for? Casual?"

"Yeah that sounds good, oh or what about casual cute?"

"Oh yeah, that's good." Sam said as she looked through her closet. After about 10 or so minutes of looking through y/n's closet they found this:

 After about 10 or so minutes of looking through y/n's closet they found this:

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"This is perfect. Now go get dressed" Sam said as she handed y/n the outfit. y/n walked into the bathroom and got dress then she did she hair which she just straightened and did light makeup like mascara, blush, highlight, and lip gloss.

"Ok now it's 1:15 so you should but on your shoes and wait till it's 1:20 so then you can leave." Sam said as she sat on the couch. y/n put on her white high top converse and sat with Sam, they waited it it was time to go.

"Bye, wish me luck." y/n said as she got into the car waving.

"Byeee!!!!" Sam waved.

*15 minutes later* y/n arrived at Jace's house

"Hey." Jace said as he opened the door.

"Hi." y/n said as she walked through the door.

*y/n's pov*

Suddenly we hear little footsteps running. I look over Jace's shoulder and see Alicia running towards us.

"Hi love." I said as she runs up to my leg and hugs it.

"Come here." I said, she reaches up and I grab her.

"Hi mommy, oops I mean y-y/n." We all awkwardly laugh as we walk into the living room and sit on the couch.

"So, how have you guys been." I said to break the awkward silence. Jace sighed as he said,

"Good, I guess, this one is a pain in my butt though." He tickled Alicia. She giggled while trying to tell him to stop, I just laughed.

"Anyways, how are you?"

"I'm good, I guess, just my job at the coffee shop is a pain in my butt."

"Do you go to school?"
"No, I just moved here so i'm trying to get into one." Jace just nodded his head.
*30 minutes later*
We just talked and got to know each other a bit, Alicia ran off to go play with her dolls.
I look at the time and realize my shift at the coffee shop starts in 5 minutes.
"Oh shit, I mean shoot." I say as I shot up from the couch.
"What's wrong?" Jace said with a confused (confuzzled) and worried face.
"I totally forgot my shift at the coffee shop starts in 5 minutes."
"Oh do you want me to drive you?"
"Oh, no it's fine, I'll just walk tho I might be late but it's fine."
"Oh no, it's no bother and I don't want you to be late."

"Oh are you sure?"

"Yeah come on." He got up and walked to the door while grabbing his coat and keys. We said bye to Alicia and Jessica. The whole ride there it was pretty silent but we talked once in awhile.

"Thank you so much for the ride and I had fun talking to you today." I said as I unbuckled the seat belt.

"Yeah, of course, I had fun to. We should do it again soon."

"Yeah sure and thank you again."

"Yeah bye."

"Bye." He waved and drove off. I didn't want to go into the coffee shop because my boss doesn't like when I'm late. I walked in and saw Sam, she waved and I waved back, I walked into the back and put my stuff away.

"Sooooooo, I saw Jace's car, what were you guys doing?" Sam said with a smirk on her face. I giggled( giggle is a really weird word and the way it's spelled is weird but anyways back to the story)
"We weren't doing anything, I mean we were just at his house and talked then I realized that I was late so he drove me here." As I was talking her smirk went away.
"BOOHOO!! You guys are boring." i rolled my eyes
"Sam we just met."
"Ok, fine."
*After shift*
"Ok, bye, see you later." I waved and walked out the door, I realized that I didn't have a car so I thought I would just walk home. It wasn't that far. All of a sudden I got a call when I was walking.
*On call*
"Hey y/n, it's Jace."

"Oh, Hi jace. What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering what you were doing."

"Oh well right now I'm walking home from the coffee shop." (btw it's like 6pm)

"Oh, cool, wait your walking home?"

"Yeah, my house isn't that far."

"Oh well you could of asked if you wanted a ride home you know."

"Oh, well I'm fine walking home, it's no proble-." All of a sudden someone's hand is on my mouth and their arm is wrapped around my waist. I dropped my phone and tried screaming for Jace but I was being dragged away. Then everything went black.

A/n: hehehe a cliffhanger🥴

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