Chapter nine - Killzone

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"Oh sweetheart," He said before another round of violent laughter ensued. Adrien could tell by the way Marinette wrinkled her nose that she hated being called 'sweetheart', but the man continued despite her obvious detest. "Oh sweetheart, are you really that stupid? The refuge may have protected you as a kid, but you ain't a kid anymore."

The crowd of men gripped their arms and formed lines. Adrien stood behind Marinette with two rows of soldiers at their sides, digging their nails into the thick cloth of the tan jumpsuits. All at once the armored men stepped forward, pulling the blonde and midnight blue haired girl with them. A curtain of black waited outside the door. Not even the light from the refuge made it the least bit visible. As they stepped into the darkness they felt the air get significantly damp. It wasn't cold but you could feel moisture prick your skin as you walked into the black... Room? Hallway? Adrien wasn't sure. He couldn't see Marinette, who was standing a foot in front of him a moment ago. The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the tunnel like shaft they were in. Amongst the reverbing sound of the soldiers' strides, he could hear the sound of the steel door closing them off from the so-called 'refuge'.

They were trapped in the darkened corridor for almost fifteen minutes, but it only felt like a few seconds to Adrien. The darkness made it seem that with every step they made no progress. As if they haven't moved a centimeter. The only other thing he could hear was the sound of his own breath. Questions flowing through his mind. What were they planning to do to him? What have they done to Marinette? How is she the way she is? How are they going to get out of here?

Adrien began to worry about his sanity. He had no sense of depth. Shapes and colors were blocked from his vision. His eyes desperately searched for light amongst the black and he was starting to panic. Luckily, in all the darkness he was able to see a very distant blinking red dot in the distance. He focused his attention on it and finally he was able to tell the distance they had traveled. As the soldiers pulled him forward the red light grew bigger. Adrien was anxious of what was waiting for them, but he didn't have time to think about that as the guards pulling him to a stop brought him back to reality.

The red light was blinking on and off above his head. He heard the cranking of metal as they turned the wheel lock on the door in front of them. The small red bulb gave off a little light. Just enough that Adrien could see Marinette's silhouette in front of him and the outline of the soldiers at his sides.

The door swung open with a creak. The bright white light burned his eyes, forcing him to look away. Black spots filled his vision as he was forced into the new room. Adrien, with his eyes still adjusting to the new found brightness, stumbled through the door. He and Marinette both closed their eyes tightly, making it impossible to see what was behind the door.

Adrien could hear the clanking of chains behind him and felt the cold links of steel bind his hands together. Suddenly the mechanical sound of gears grinding began to fill the room. Adrien felt his arms being pulled upward by the chains until they were secured above his head. The metal grinding stopped and the heavy door sealed closed.

Adrien slowly opened his eyes only to be met with the same bright lights that sent a searing pain through his skull. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his already blurry vision. After a moment his pupils adjusted to the luster of the room. He glanced up to see his wrists shackled together with a metal padlock securing the chain links together. The metal bonds ran aloof to the ceiling where a mechanical pulley system with gears and levers was mounted to the tall ceiling. That must have been where the loud willing sound came from, Adrien thought to himself.

He glanced to his left where Marinette stood about three meters away. Her arms bound and hanging above her head. The chain dangling from the ceiling where another pulley system laid. A padlock securing the steel links around her wrists. The metal dug into her wrists as she pulled at the chain, trying unsuccessfully to escape its grasp. "You're not going to be able to break it." Adrien explained. "Our best bet is you using your telekinesis." Marinette let out a huff of frustration and gave up on tugging at the shackles.

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