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Most people find the breeze calming, a symbol of peace and forgiveness, there was a breeze that morning; leaves fell from trees and petals on the brink of joining them like a typhoon of colours. "Dawn is always beautiful isn't it?"

"My favourite time of the day," The man shared a gracious smile, he was still young, no older than 25 and yet had so much wisdom. His dark brown curly locks matched perfectly with the background he was basically a tree branch; this mystery person seemed to be very elegant as his high priority was carrying a briefcase and wearing a maroon silk jacket most probably made in some exotic country that people in this town have never heard about. "Handsome, young and most definitely loaded with gold, my deepest apologies if this comes off as rude but what brings you to this old town there not much to it sir." Pried the taxi driver. " No no not rude at all, I was raised here and am coming back for a holiday, I am a university student carrying out my studies to become a journalist at Yale College,"

"Yale I heard, very prestigious and very hard to get into, Good for you sir and I hope you do become a journalist,"

"I hope so too." The car suddenly came to a halt and was the man's queue to leave. " Thank you, sir"

"Thanks to you too Sir Domenic of Yale, hope to meet you again soon," He grinned before getting back in the car and drove back into the sun-rising distance of the breeze and colour typhoon.

Death petalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora