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"Okay and I just swing my body?" Y/n asked with a wooden sword in her hand. "Yeah" Tomioka responded as he stood in front of her with a wooden sword as well.

"Ready" Y/n said as she shot Tomioka a glare. Y/n ran at Tomioka and something about running towards him like this felt familiar.

Y/n ran for Tomioka, her hoari flaring in the wind, Tomioka swung his sword at her but Y/n leapt up into the air, moving so fast as if she teleported.

She landed behind him and placed her sword onto his shoulder, "Cmon, Tomioka, you gotta do better than that"

"What's wrong?" Tomioka asked worriedly, he watched Y/n come to a stop as she stared at the ground with wide eyes.

Her heart pumping through her chest.

"Y/n" Tomioka called out worriedly as he tossed the wooden sword and rushed to her side, wrapping his arm under her pits and around her back.

He took the sword from her hand and tossed it. "Have we done this before?" Y/n asked as she glanced up at him.

Tomioka felt tongue tied as he wasn't sure if he should lie to her or not.

"We have" Tomioka told Y/n.


"L/n Y/n has been apart of the corps for 3 months now and she's already ranked as a Kinoe" A crow said as the crow sat on the arm of the leader of the demon slayer corps.

"She's growing quite fast, I have no doubt she will succeed in this mission against lower rank 2, let's give her the mission but have Tengen alert of the mission, so if things go fatal he will be there to support her" Oyakata explained.

"Understood, master... Caw!" The crow said before flying off.

"Caw! Caw! Mission, a new mission!"

Y/n looked up at the sky above her, she saw her crow flying in circles in the sky above her. "Follow me! To the village south of here!"

On the way to Y/n's new mission the crow had explained to Y/n that the small village was once a warm and summery village where the lands were full of crops.

But recently the village has been facing a fierce snow storm and haven't been able to farm or sell their crops and to top it off the peoples villagers are going missing at a high rate.

𝚨𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚, 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝚮𝐞𝐫 𝚴𝛐𝐭𝐞𝐛𝛐𝛐𝐤Where stories live. Discover now