xii. suzie, do you copy?

Start from the beginning

The kiss lingered, a dance of emotions and longing, until they slowly pulled away. Cassidy's eyes, a reflection of the newfound intimacy, flickered open to meet Max's gaze. In that tender aftermath, Max broke the silence with a heartfelt compliment, "You're really pretty," a simple yet genuine expression of admiration that echoed the beauty they found in each other.

With a playful grin, Max gently guided Cassidy onto the mattress, their laughter filling the air. As Max loomed over her, holding Cassidy's wrists, the room became a canvas for the unspoken connection between them. Cassidy, looking up at Max, couldn't help but smile, a blend of affection and anticipation in her eyes.

"Now, say it back or I'll tickle you," Max teased, the threat carrying a lighthearted charm that sparked another round of giggles from Cassidy. "You're pretty too," she responded, her admission accompanied by a genuine warmth that lingered in the room.

Pleased with Cassidy's reply, Max leaned in, their lips meeting once again. Cassidy closed her eyes, savoring the tender press of Max's lips. In a bold move, Cassidy slipped her tongue through Max's parted lips, initiating a dance of shared desire. Their tongues intertwined, swirling in a rhythm that deepened the kiss, and the room seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the unfolding intimacy between the two.

He wanted to see the previews, Lucas looked through the slight crack of the door to see Max on top of Cassidy making out with her.

Lucas's voice echoed through Cassidy's room, shattering the intimate atmosphere. "Max, get off her!" he yelled, throwing the door open with a force that hinted at both concern and frustration. Caught off guard, Cassidy and Max abruptly halted their kiss.

Feeling the urgency, Cassidy seized Max's wrist, activating her teleportation ability. In an instant, they found themselves outside, the cool night air replacing the warmth of Cassidy's room. Cassidy, with a mix of relief and amusement, ran to her bike parked nearby. Swiftly mounting it, she gestured for Max to join her.

As they sped away down the street, the distant sound of Lucas's voice carried through the air. "I will get you, Max!" he shouted, his threat fading into the night. Max and Cassidy, now on the move, couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected turn of events. The adrenaline of the escape mixed with their shared laughter, creating a unique memory etched into the fabric of their unfolding story.

Cassidy burst into laughter, a joyous sound echoing in the night. "Oh my god, his face!" she exclaimed, the memory of Lucas's interruption playing vividly in her mind. Max, sharing the amusement, joked, "He looked like he was gonna kill me."

Cassidy, still chuckling, responded with a playful grin, "Well, if he does, he has to go through me." The lighthearted banter between them added a touch of humor to the adrenaline-fueled escape, turning a potentially awkward situation into a shared moment of laughter and camaraderie.

Cassidy expertly maneuvered her bike into a parking spot at the mall, the hum of the engine fading as she and Max dismounted. As they approached the entrance, Cassidy's eyes scanned the surroundings until they locked onto Will, patiently waiting. A smile lit up her face as she recognized him.

"Will!" Cassidy called out with genuine excitement, her voice carrying through the bustling atmosphere of the mall. Will turned toward them, returning Cassidy's smile. "Hey, Cassie and Max," he greeted them, his tone friendly and relaxed. The trio stood at the threshold of the mall, ready to embark on whatever adventure awaited them inside.

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