Chapter 2

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These meetings with ministers tired me out, and the upcoming war is giving me a headache, our rivals have became so powerful that even if use all our strength, power, we can't win. Unless the solution that the high priest has come up with helps us.

" Your Highness, we're here" my driver notified me, bringing me out of my thoughts, I looked at the opened door and my bodyguard waiting for me to get out.

I sighed and picked up my coat that was thrown casually on the seat and nodded to my driver and got down from the car. No sooner did I got out my bodyguard notified me that my mother wants to see me.

" Now what's its about?" I groaned as I walked to the main seating area

" That I don't know, sir" he replied and then bowed out leaving me with my mom who was already waiting for me

" I'm already tired, what more jobs do I have to do today?" I whined as I walked towards her.

She gently smiled and hugged me, " I know son, but she's here, the high priest has found the chosen one" she informed me

I was surprised, we did agree on using the human bond for the strength, but I didn't knew that they will find her so soon. The high priest had informed me that he has to read some books and perform some rituals to find the
' chosen human' for me.

" Already?" I asked

" Yes, we've told her everything, but it's difficult for her, please take care of her" she said and then went away leaving me in crisis.

What am I supposed to do with her, take care of her? What did she mean by that. I massaged my temples and then went to the dungeons to find the girl.

" Open the door" I ordered the guard standing there, he bowed and immediately opened the lock to her cellar. I walked into the dimly lighted room, which was too hot for my body. Human beings have low cold tolerance in comparison to us, that's why the temperature of her room is too high.

" Bring her to the East wing" I ordered the guards standing there, they looked at me with shocked expressions

" But, your Highness..." Someone started to say

" The soon to be Queen should not live in the dungeon, don't you agree?" I said extra sweetly, they immediately nodded and used their powers to lift her up and then they followed me to the East wing, where I live.

" Keep her in the room beside mine, and tie her up again, don't want to risk her running away in this strange world" I said and went to my room to get some sleep.



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