Lizzy Bennet Supremacy

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Kun was tired.

In the event of having to deal with his brother and uncle's 'nonsense' as he called it, he left the table at dinner to search for some quiet. He walked down the hallways of the ship, the soft rumbling of something he couldn't quite make out reached his ears.

He passed his own room, and several others, before coming to the room he was looking for. It had a red door, washed out and dark so it didn't really stand out. He pushed it open, entering a sort of mini hallway, with another door at the end.

He walked to that one too, entering a small, dark room. There were boxes and suitcases in there, all from his family.

But they weren't all luggage.

He scanned the room, trying to remember something, it was like there had been an itch ever since he saw you. Like you had opened a door to a memory, but the memory was hazy, he couldn't quite catch it. It was like a connection had been established, and he couldn't quite shake it off.

He sighed in defeat, leaving the room and walking into the hallway once again, only to be met with you, donning a red dress, hair done up in curls. You startled, blinking on seeing him emerge from the side, "Oh", you said, looking him up and down, "Hello, Kun."

He took in your pretty features, wondering how you got roped into this.

"Shouldn't you be at dinner?", Kun asked you, lips turning into a sly smile. You looked at him, seemingly unfazed, "Shouldn't you?"

"Dinner is nothing special I can assure you that", he muttered bitterly, "I take you're procrastinating getting there?"

You nodded, "As much as I enjoy your family's company, I am not entertained by your Uncle, no offense", you rubbed the side of your arms, "This dress was given by him."

"So that's why he was talking to your servant", Kun said, "Alright, let's skip dinner then."

"Skip it? My mother would-"

"We won't tell her", he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "We'll make up a convincing story."

You studied him, deeming him sincere and nodding, "Lead the way then", you gestured, and he took your hand, smirking and leading you down the hallways, "There's a lounge somewhere here", he mused, "Ah here."

The two of you entered a fancy looking lounge that definitely matched the entirety of the cruise ship. There was a bar at the end, and couches in the center. You took a seat, leaning back as he went straight for the drinks

. "Want anything?", he called, taking a bottle down.

"French 75", you requested, "You sister told me you liked Jane Austen?"

He raised an eyebrow at you, "I do", he agreed. "Why?" There was that odd feeling again, as if you held some sort of importance, but he couldn't pinpoint why.

"I mean", you looked over at the bar, "dinner isn't going to get over anytime soon and we're stuck with each other, friendly banter might help pass the time since I don't have my phone or book with me."

He hummed in agreement, "Which book are you reading?" "Pride and Prejudice."

"High class families and their literature", he hummed. "Alright, what about it?"

"You don't seem very intrigued by the story", you observed, taking the cocktail he handed you. "What do you think of Lizzy Bennet's and Mr. Darcy's relationship?"

"Lizzy Bennet, in crude terms would be considered a high class bitch."

"Excuse you?", you asked, slightly outraged in a playful manner. "She is smart and funny and has some brains, unlike the rest of the sisters."

"She judged Darcy all too fast don't you think?" He raised his own glass to his lips, keeping his eyes on you as he spoke. "She blatantly disregarded his affections."

You felt heat rush to your face, mostly in indignant anger, an urge to defend one of your all time favorite heroines of any sort of story. You had always stood by her. Seeing someone ridicule her, though you had invited him to do so, was irking. "She did not! He bitched about her family and confessed, expecting her to be okay with his idiocy?"

You asked him hotly, leaning forward in anticipation for his answer. He seemed amused by your irritation, "He's a man of class, he's going to judge a not so upper class family. I mean, you would know of this right?"

"Not if my family was belittled", you said with a frown, "I see Darcy as the prick who refused to back down because of his goddamn pride."

"I always thought Elizabeth was the one with pride, and Darcy held the Prejudice against her family." His argument was strong.

You nodded. "I suppose you're right, but Lizzy Bennet-"

"Can't do any wrong?"

You muttered some not so ladylike things under your breath that your mother would've had your head for, glaring at the man who sat across you. While you were all up for playful arguing, being interrupted was something you weren't used to—nor did you appreciate it.

"Would you let me speak?"

He smirked, "I suppose you're defending her because", he looked at his glass, studying the clear liquid inside it, "you think of yourself as her."

"I'm done here", you said quietly, placing your drink down and getting up, refusing to look at him, knowing his smug expression would just irk you more. His accusation, while probably lighthearted, did not sit well with you.


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