5 | Chang Noi's Invocation - Doa si Gajah Kecil

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(Indonesian version)

Doa Chang Noi

Kala itu aku terjebak dalam badai
Kapalku terombang-ambing di lepas samudera
Berhari-hari angin memarah tak kunjung mereda
Harap cemas akan pasrah tapi kuusaha
Menarik layar dan kemudi selagi kubisa

Hingga tiba suatu takdir
Kala Raja Siang malu-malu menampak diri
Kulihat secercah cahaya di sudut utara
Dari lilin dan dupa yang kau nyala di vihara
Ditemani sebait doa yang kau rapal tanpa wicara

Rupanya semesta mendengarkanmu
Alam pun terdiam hayati bisik tulusmu
"Kumohon jaga dia dan sampaikan padaku"
Rupanya aku telah sampai ke negeri asalku, yaitu kamu
"Chang Noi, masuklah! Aku-lah rumah negeri asalmu."

Ochi AP, 27 Juni 2021


(English version)

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(English version)

Chang Noi's Invocation

Once I was caught in a hurricane
My ship tossed on the ocean wave
For days the angry wind would not subside
In a worry about giving up but I'd try
Pull the sail and steering while I could

Until the destiny arrives
When the afternoon was shy to appear
I saw a ray of light in the north corner
From the candles and incense you light in the shrine
Along with the prayers you chant without a sound

Apparently, the universe is listening to you
The nature is silent as well as your sincere whisper
"Please take care of her and bring home to me"
It seems that I have come to my homeland, surprisedly it is you
"Chang Noi, come in! I am your home, your native land."

Ochi AP, June 27-2021

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