2 | Does Exist - Ada

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(English Version)

EXIST (The Parable of Love)


Recently, I realize that life without love is empty

Without love, life is only breath and undirected footsteps

As if without meaning, no significance

Without love, the sea breeze is just hot air space, and the ocean wave is hullabaloo


Because of love, people travel around the world at will

Free, love frees the human's soul

Crossing the boundaries that hide their freedom

Though the body is motionless, their spirit has wandered far into the world


Love frees people from fetter

The fetter that covered man from the greatness of His majesty

Love realizes, that nothing is impossible to Him

Love awakens human, that they're in the real life

Gratefully Thank God, apparently true love does exist

Ochi AP, May 25 2021

(Indonesian version)

(Sebuah Perumpamaan ♥)


Kini aku sadar bahwa tanpa cinta hidup adalah kehampaan

Tanpa cinta,

hidup hanya hembusan napas

langkah kaki yang tak terarah

Seolah tanpa makna

tak punya nama

Tanpa cinta, angin laut hanyalah hawa panas

ombak samudera hanya kebisingan


Karena cinta,

jiwa menjelajah dunia


cinta membebaskan jiwa manusia

Melewati batasan yang menghalangi kemerdekaannya

Meski raganya diam,

jiwanya telah jauh mengembara ke penjuru dunia

mengarungi samudera cinta-Nya


Cinta-lah pembebas belenggu,

Belenggu yang menyingkap manusia dari keagungan-Nya

Cinta-lah menyadarkan,

takada yang tak mungkin bagi-Nya

Cinta-lah menyadarkan,

manusia kau hidup di alam dunia

Terima kasih Tuhan telah menyadarkan, cinta sejati memang benar adanya

Ochi AP, 25 Mei 2021


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