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FP had texted her when to meet him at Pop's the day after their phone call, she'd be lying if she said it didn't take her more than 30 minutes to come up with a response that didn't sound too eager. Alice wanted FP to know she missed him, but he didn't need to know the extent of it.

When it came the day they were to catch up at Pop's, Alice went the extra mile to look her very best. The past couple of years had been hard on her, with Betty gone and Polly back home with the twins, it had been absolute chaos. Betty never called, Polly was always off somewhere, and the twins were a handful. She felt alone and tired.

She looked in the mirror as she put on her lipstick, looking at the splashes of wrinkles FP had never seen on her before. Her hair was longer, her face looked tired, and she hadn't even looked at a man since her regretful one night stand at the Whyte Wyrm with a trucker named Joe.

Dating hadn't really been on her to-do list, considering she had no time for it. With working at the news station, running PTA meetings, and making sure the twins were cared for, she had no time for anyone else. She barely had time for herself. At least with FP when they had rekindled their relationship all those years ago, they didn't have to start from the beginning. They had already been through so much together and knew each other well enough to skip the awkward phase of the relationship. Now, dating seemed like too much work. She didn't want to get to know anyone and then have to unload all the baggage that comes with being with her.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, looking in the mirror one last time to assess her appearance. Luckily with being an on air reporter for RIVW, she knew the tricks to making herself look better than she felt. No one who ever watched her on the 7 o'clock news would know how hectic her life was by her dazzling smile and charm on camera. She didn't want to fake being happy for FP, but she didn't want him to know how awful things had been since he left.

Alice put her lipstick in her purse and headed out of the door, she was glad FP had picked a time where Juniper and Dagwood were off at a play date so she didn't have to worry about rescheduling or finding a sitter.

When she got to Pop's, she sat in the parking lot for a moment. She started to feel a little guilt for going out and doing this when Polly is still out there missing. Betty had assured her that the FBI was still out there investigating and that she should go out and do something for herself as a distraction. She pushed the guilt out of her mind, she deserved a day where she wasn't self medicating with alcohol.

Alice got out of the car and walked into the familiar Pop's Chocklit Shoppe, she turned to immediately see FP sitting at a booth they regularly sat at when they were together all those years ago. She wondered if he sat there on purpose or if it was just a subconscious decision. They locked eyes and she started walking his way.

"Hi", Alice smiled and sat down across from him.

FP smiled widely, "Hey", he said softly back.

"Can't believe it took you this long to come back to Pop's", Alice laughed, FP chuckled along with her.

"There's a place in Toledo that's pretty similar to Pop's, but no one can make a burger like Pop Tate", he gave her a soft smile.

"That's for damn sure", they both order their food and then Alice looked back at FP. "So, um, how's life been?"

He sighed and nodded, "Alright, I manage a bar now, and before you say it, I've been sober officially for 5 years", he smiled proudly.

"FP, that's great, I'm so proud of you!", she said excitedly, putting her hand on his for a moment before moving it away.

FP blushed slightly, "Yeah, and uh, JellyBean is off at college now, she's studying film believe it or not."

"I can't believe Jellybean is old enough to be in college, you'll have to show me pictures", she smiled.

"Oh I have plenty", he laughed. "But, tell me about you? How have you been? Jughead already filled me in on the whole Hiram taking over Riverdale business."

Alice paused for a moment, she knew this lighthearted conversation was going to take a turn.

"I've been through a lot these past few years, I won't lie, it's been rough", she bit her lip and looked at him.

"Alice, I'm sorry, what's going on?"

"Well, Polly and the twins moved back in with me and it's been pretty hectic taking care of twins", she let out a small laugh. "Polly has had some trouble adjusting back into normal life after all the trauma she's been through so it hasn't been easy."

"But um, she's been missing for the past 3 weeks", Alice tried to hold back her tears. "Thank god Betty has been back in town with the FBI, I don't know how I could have handled this alone."

FP's face dropped and became concerned, "Alice, if there's anything I can do I will do it, you've been through so much..I'm sorry", he grabbed her hand.

Alice wondered if he was sorry this was happening to her or sorry he wasn't there for her.

"Look, I'm in town for a few days, if you and the FBI need any help searching or anything please let me know okay?"

Alice nodded, "I'm sorry, I wanted this to be a nice catching up, I just can never catch a break."

"Hey hey, don't be sorry", they looked into each other's eyes for a moment until they were interrupted by Pop putting their food down on the table.

Pop smiled at them, "It's nice to see you two together again, reminds me of the first time you two came in here together back in '89."

"Pop, your memory is always sharp as a tack", FP smiled and him and took a big bite of his burger as Pop walked off.

"I remember that, that was the year you started slicking your hair back", she let out a soft laugh. "I thought it was really cute."

"I remember that too, you were intimidating as hell, I can't believe you pressured me into dining and dashing on ol' Pop", FP smirked.

Alice scoffed, "Excuse you, neither of us had money, what else were we going to do?", she said playfully.

"We could have washed a couple of dishes in the back", he laughed.

As they finished their meal they continued talking, their conversation had moved back to being lighthearted. Alice was able to relax a little and talk with FP about memories they shared together over the years. FP walked Alice to her car after they paid for their meal.

"I'm glad I got to see you Alice", he looked at her. "Let's do this again, maybe next time you can show me the new and improved Whyte Wyrm, I'm dying to see what Toni has done with the place."

She smiled, "I'd like that", she opened her car door. "Goodnight FP."

He started walking off to this truck, "Goodnight Alice."

Alice started her car and drove towards her house with a smile still on her face from seeing FP. She parked in her driveway when she got home, seeing FP drive past her into the Andrews' driveway.

"Looks like we're neighbors for the next couple of days", FP projected from the sidewalk to the Andrews' house.

"Looks like we are", she smiled, for the first time in awhile she felt safe again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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