Fallen heroes

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"At a time In the world where things were Feeling less less certain" said a mysterious girl "There was on thing you can count on... The heroics" said the girl "Our planets team of superheroes...and our hero's...Never failed" Said The girl.

"sorry I'm late,  I had put the ISR synthetic aperture together" said Tech-No giving The device to miracle guy "Let's just hope it's more than just a downed satellite" said miracle guy "So the whole team can spring into action...Let's not" said Tech-No while Inhaling his Inhaler. "be careful with that thing" Tech-No said to miracle guy "When am I not careful?" Said Miracle guy flying Up into The clouds "All the Time" Said Tech-No

"Hey, Tech-No" said miracle Guy "What's up?"Questioned Tech-No "The solar array, is blown to bits" Said Miracle Guy Flying Up a bit "Seriously?" Tech-No said Concerned
"There's Something coming, a spaceship of some kind It just blasted some kind of ray at me" said miracle guy "Do these clowns Know who I am?" Said miracle guy with a smirk
"I don't mean to be a nudge, but any idea how long this'll take? I'm running on fumes"Said Tech-No pointing To his Jetpack. Then Miracle toke out a selfie stick "Just a quick selfie for my socials while I stop this thing—" miracle guy paused on what he was about to say. A Creature flu right past him "Wait a minute" said miracle guy In concern "It's not one ship...There's a whole armada out there" said miracle guy. "Funny, if I didn't know better, I'd say you actually sound a little worried" said Tech-No. "Miracle guy?" Said Tech-No, Then there was a loud Boom Tech-No then Clicks His Earpiece "H-Base! Come in, this is Tech-No! Miracle guy's been hit!" "H-base : hit With what?" Tech-No doesn't Answer And Boosts his jetpack to grab miracle guy, when he does His Jetpack Starts beeping Meaning he's almost out of Fumes. Tech-No the grabs his Earpiece and says "He's barely Conscious!" Tech-No says While struggling to hold Miracle guy.
"H-Base : Miracle guy is barely conscious?" "Have the catcher ready!" Said Tech-No. after that His Jetpack stopped "I'm out!" Said Tech-No Grabbing miracle guy while they Fall.

"this was the day... Our heroes fell...All of them" Said the Mysterious Girl "But from that...Others Would Rise" Said the girl Again
Ok ok I know it's been a while and I know it's not that long but The next part will be up in a bit, Maybe 😀💀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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