"ok. thanks again for listening, and sorry that it's all just been tommy-talk, i just really need to get that off my chest now."

you chuckled gently, picking at the skin around your thumb whilst ranboo and tubbo chimed in their reassurances.

"anyways, how have you guys been-"

you were cut off from a twitch notification, eyebrows quickly raising to your hairline at who the notif was from.

tommyinnit is live! - I'm back.

"what the fuck!?"

tubbo exclaimed, having gotten the notification at the same you had. ranboo also seemed to have gotten it, judging by the confused 'hm' he'd made.

"i got to go... i need to check this out."

you mumbled, swiping down on your notifications wall to make sure you weren't seeing things.

"yeah, me too."

tubbo replied, sounded slightly pissed as you left the call and clicked on the notif.

you were quickly met with the scene of tommy at his desk, wearing a red hoodie and looking off the side of the screen. he seemed to be focused on something, chewing at his bottom lip whilst chat sped by the left with questions of if he's ok and what happened.

he was quietly working on something on his other monitor for a minute, before he finally turned the camera.

"hey guys."

he smiled weakly, giving a half-assed wave to chat before he let out a sigh. chat only continued at high speeds with mixed confusion, tommy seemingly ignoring them.

"i know you've all been wondering where i've been these past months. well, i'm not dead, for the record, i'm very much alive and.... well."

you hated how he paused.

"it's just... something happened. to me. and others. and i had to take a break. i don't really feel comfortable sharing more than that."

you let out a sigh of relief, of course he wouldn't tell everyone about you. you leaned back in bed with your phone in hand, watching curiously as he continued to look at his other monitor.

"but, rest assured, normal content will start up very soon, and i'm glad you've all been patient with my absence so far! i think i'm just going to chill for a bit here and talk to you guys, that sounds fun right?"

he gently smiled at the camera, and you felt your heart tear open again. chat began sending love hearts and kind words of encouragement, all seemed to be looking up for this out-of-the-blue stream.

then a dono popped up.

raginglegendz has donated £5!
hi tommy! it's been forever since you've streamed or posted yt vids and i'm so glad ur finally getting back on the grind, but i'm just wondering what happened with you and bumble's meetup? sorry if that was a bit rude, just curious

tommy seemed to act like the dono didn't exist whilst chat went wild. it rippled with waves of 'BUMBLETOM MEETUP!?' and 'WHERE'S BUMBLE' and the favorite, 'CHAT STOP BEING WEIRD'. after a moment he looked at chat, and quickly frowned.

"don't ask about that please. nothing is wrong, everything is sorted out now, this stream isn't about that."

that obviously wasn't the right answer, since chat only worsened with invasive questions and pleading of others to stop. you watched on nervously, noticing how tommy kept looking over at his other stream and how his breathing began to quicken.

"i came on here to reassure you that i'm fine and will start making content soon. mods? where are my mods!?"

tommy was quickly growing more anxious, and you were frozen in place. you didn't know what to do, none of tommy's mods were on and chat only got worse by the second. you watched in horror as tommy finally tipped over.

"this was stupid, I shouldn't have done this now. ending stream, please do not post clips of this you do not have my consent. once again, i will start uploading soon, goodbye."

he reached up to the camera and the broadcast stilled.

chat continued to roar on even after it'd ended, and you sat in shock and fear of what he'd done. you reloaded the stream to see if chat had stopped, only to find that he'd deleted the vod entirely. twitter would be a field day tomorrow morning.

you angrily shut off your phone, nearly slamming it down on your bedside. the amount of hate you felt for chat was more than a thousand infernos, couldn't they see he was obviously upset. whatever, you shook your head. that wasn't important.

what was important is that now you needed to call tommy more than ever. regardless of if he felt the same way as you, or if he'd reject you so hard you'd hole up in your room for days. you decided to listen to your friends, and decided that no matter what everything would be fine.

with shaking hands you pulled the covers up to your chin, nervous about the upcoming phone call you'd have to make tomorrow.

.: {🐝} :.

sorry if this moved a lil fast/seemed ooc for Y/N,, this is just filler and i really wanna wrap this book up soon bc impulse for other book ideas is getting stronger and I just might actually start writing it if i'm not careful
anyways,, started my first day volunteering today and that was fun so yay :D going to my dad's this Sunday and hopefully the wifi will b better there so I can talk to my friends o.O
but that's it's, have a good day and drink water dear friends 💕💕💕💕

alive - tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now