Snow Day (Young Peter)

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"After you are done eating slowly, go get ready to go outside. I want everything on. You hear me young man? That means snow pants, gloves, hat, jacket, and boots. I do not want you getting sick." Tony ordered as Peter nodded his head and ate a tiny bit faster but not fast enough where his dad would tell him to slow down.

After Peter was done, he ran to his bedroom where he quickly got ready and put on every single thing his dad said to put on. He was so excited! Peter loved snow days as he got to spend all day outside. After Peter was dressed, he ran to the elevator and bounced around and waited for his dad to hurry up and get dressed so they could go outside.

As soon as Peter could see Tony, he ran into the elevator and started talking to FRIDAY. Of course, Tony took his sweet time getting into the elevator. But somehow, FRIDAY was super quick to get down to the main lobby yet it was still too long for Peter. As soon as the door opened, Peter ran. Or should I say tried to run. Tony grabbed Peter's hood and held his hand tightly while they walked outside.

Tony and Peter walked the short block to a little park where not many people went. As soon as Tony let Peter's hand go, Peter ran to the nearest snow bank and jumped as high as he could and landed right on top of the snow. Peter slid down the snow and started making snow angels right at the bottom.

When Peter got up, he ran over and pulled his dad down and made him make another snow angel right next to him. The pair laughed. They decided to go make some snowmen together. They made ten snow angels. They were all for Steve, Nat, Bruce, Clint, Tony, Thor, Agent Coulson, Agent Hill, and Fury. Tony even made the Fury snowman frown and Peter made a makeshift eye patch for him.

Each snow person had its own unique thing that made it the person they were supposed to be. Steve's had a garbage lid for a shield, Nat's had crossed arms, Bruce's had glasses, Clint's had a bow and arrow made of sticks, Tony's had a face plate made of rocks, Thor's had a red blanket that they found that represented his cape, Coulson's and Hill's had papers that Tony used a pen to write "Classified" in big letters, and of course Fury had the eye patch and frown.

Tony took a picture of it and sent it to the Avengers group chat where he pretty much instantly got replies along the lines of how cute it was and such. He then put his phone away and walked over to where Peter was. He was playing at the playground and was currently about to go down the slide head first.

"Peter, absolutely not! You are going to get hurt! That slide is made of metal and is covered in ice." Tony all but yelled as he grabbed Peter before he could slide down. Peter gave his famous puppy dog pout and tried to give a threatening glare to his father.

"You're no fun." Peter was set down and he ran and started sliding on the ice that was in the field. Each time he did, he gave Tony another heart attack. But Peter was laughing and having fun so he wasn't going to stop him. That was until Peter biffed it after he tripped on air. He smacked his face on the ice. Peter got up and laughed. It kind of hurt but not enough to where Peter wanted to cry. It was also kind of funny to him. But obviously not his dad. He was running over checking to see how bad his kid was hurt. Of course Peter waved him off and said that he was fine. Peter happily skipped along and ran and jumped into another snow bank laughing along as if nothing had happened just thirty seconds ago.

"I remember those days with my son, happy little boy he was, but now he is grown up of course. I'm glad I get to see other people have father-son moments like this. Makes me remember the amazing times I had." A voice said behind Tony. He turned around and saw this old man with a sweet smile on his face. Tony smiled at the man and nodded.

"I got lucky with the best kid in the world to have the most fun with." Tony looked back at Peter who was sliding down the snow banks.

"I will leave you two to have some more fun. It's chilly and I could use some hot chocolate." The man said.

"You know, there is this amazing cafe just a street away over there that has the best hot chocolate."

"I will take you up on that." Tony waved to the sweet man as he walked away waving himself.

About two hours later, Peter was starting to get tired so they walked home. When they got into the main floor of the tower, they smelled hot chocolate. Bruce's hot chocolate. They raced each other to the kitchen and saw Nat was just putting some hot chocolate into mugs. She turned around and smiled at the two before she quickly ran over to Peter.

"Малыш, what happened to your face?! Stark, what did you do?" Natasha looked up with murder in her eyes. Tony put his hands up in surrender.

"He was sliding around and tripped on air and smacked his face. I made sure he was ok. He was laughing and waving me off." Natasha sighed and gave the two boys the mugs and they went out to the living room where everyone else was. They were all sitting on the couches with mugs themselves and with the Polar Express about to play. Natasha also came out with her own mug and the super family all sat together enjoying each other's company. This was definitely Peter's favourite snow day. 

Irondad and Spiderson One-shots (Mainly Fluff and Funny Stories)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin