For The Sake Of Fame

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Katya's POV:

Katya: I love you

Ethan: I love you too

I laid my head on his chest, we were both wrapped in the covers, cuddling. I just wanted to do this all the time, sadly we're both too busy with our own careers.

Ethan: our 3rd anniversary is coming up, what do you want?

Katya: I'm ok, you don't have to get me anything

Ethan: nothing at all?

Katya: I mean what could I possibly want? I'm living my dream, and I have you, I'm more than ok with all that

Ethan: there has to be SOMETHING hey- what about that new designer bag you've been eyeing? or new boots! You love boots

Katya: I told you, I don't really want anything

Ethan: come on 

Katya: ok then... I want people to know about us

I was still a bit hesitant about mentioning it since we've talked about it countless times now, but I just can't let it go.

Ethan: [sighs] you know that's not possible

Katya: I mean come on, it shouldn't be THAT bad, it's also because I don't want girls to hit on you again

Ethan: Baby, we both have successful careers that we worked hard for, you wouldn't want to risk anything do you?

Honestly? I'd risk ANYTHING for him

Katya: It's just so unfair

Ethan: I know, but I promise that one day, we can finally go out on dates and be a public couple. We just have to be patient for now.

Just when I was about to cuddle more into him, his phone started ringing

Ethan: oh, that would be my manager, I have to wake up early tomorrow

Katya: okay, I'll just see you I guess, you'll call right?

Ethan: of course, text me during your lunch break. I love you, baby

Katya: I love you

He kissed me one more time before leaving for the door.

Trixie's POV:

Host: once again, Trixie Mattel everyone!

Everyone cheered as I walked off the stage, still smiling. I am more than ready to go home.

I sat by the mirror and relaxed my feet for a bit before collecting my things and saying goodbye to everyone. I entered my van and sat beside my manager.

Adam: you did great kid

Trixie: [chuckles] thank you

Adam: say, um... is your new album ready yet?

Trixie: what?

Adam: new album? you working on it?

Trixie: yeah but I don't think I'll be finishing it soon

Adam: ... can you finish it before Saturday?

Trixie: Adam it's Friday

Adam: yeah well- here, you haven't been on the news in what- 5 months?

Trixie: 5 days

Adam: I know, it's just that- once people stop talking about you, you will just be another singer, and people would get bored.

Trixie: I really don't know what to tell you, I'm not rushing an album

Adam: Trixie what if...

Trixie: what if?

Adam: we create SOMETHING, just to- you know, keep your name in people's mouths

Trixie: I don't think I can follow...

Adam: create some drama

Trixie: fake gossip? Adam that could fail and end my whole career

Adam: but what if it's not a drama? Let's say... LOVE TEAM! Everybody loves couples

Trixie: you want ME to pretend that I have a boyfriend?

Adam: I was actually thinking you'd pretend to be Ethan's girlfriend

Trixie: ETHAN?! Katya's boyfriend Ethan?

Adam: yeah... this could work! I could talk to his manager, he'd LOVE this, it's gonna be perfect

Trixie: no, it's NOT gonna be perfect

Adam: why not? Ethan's known as the "good guy", and you're the "sweetheart". Your fans and the paparazzi would go WILD.

Trixie: you know EXACTLY why

Adam: But Katya's your best friend, she'll understand, I'm sure of it.

I only looked at him

Adam: ok SO you like Katya, do you want to be HER fake girlfriend instead? We could make that work

Trixie: no of course not, do you want her to hate me?

Adam: Listen, I'm just saying, if we do this and perfectly create a plot for people to enjoy, your name will be in the news ALL THE TIME. Even if you're just walking down the street people would be like: "oh, I wonder if she's about to visit Ethan" you KNOW these things, Trixie

Trixie: but what about Katya-

Adam: You know what- we could ask her about it too, we'll set up a little meeting with them and we'll see how it goes

Trixie: fine, but she'll HATE it


Katya: I think you should do it

Adam: YES!

I was completely shocked by what she just said. Both Ethan and his manager agrees with Adam's plan

Adam: Alright, we'll let you girls talk about it for a sec

They all left the room.

Trixie: Katya it's ok, I won't do it if you're uncomfortable 

Katya: I mean- this is how I see it, Ethan will no longer be "single" so girls would stop hitting on him. Also, I trust you, and... maybe I don't trust him as much, but I know you'll keep an eye on him and immediately tell me if he's doing anything wrong

There was so much hope in her eyes. If all these people really believe that it would work, I don't see why we shouldn't try it out. I guess a little acting wouldn't hurt.

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