The Morning After

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The following morning you woke up to the faint sound of Gojo's snores filling the quiet room. His arm never left your waist, clinging onto you the entire night. The morning sun's rays shined brightly through his floor to ceiling windows in his room, causing you to adjust your eyes a little to the brightness of the sun. The smell of freshly cooked eggs coming from the kitchen filled the brim of your nose. You smile at the thought of breakfast being made, but first you had to detach yourself from the sleeping giant that was Satoru Gojo.

After spending a few minutes trying to free yourself from his grasp, you were finally set free without disturbing his sleep. Pulling your legs over the edge of the bed,you carefully place your legs onto the carpeted floor shuffling into the bathroom to complete your morning routine.  You didn't have that many options from your impromptu stay at your fiancé's apartment, but you made the nest with what you had—a toothbrush, a singular washcloth, and a towel. With that in mind, you made a mental note to remind yourself that you needed to send some things over to have at his place ready, just in case you'd stay the night again. Looking up into the mirror after brushing your teeth, your mouth fell open at the sight of seeing your neck littered with Gojo's love bites. The pain between your legs was still there, but this time it was bearable. You began to slightly panic when you realized you and Satoru didn't use protection last night at all, and no matter what the elders said about having a child, you new yourself that you weren't ready for one. The thought of it in itself was scary enough, and you knew you had to act fast.

When you walked out of the bathroom Satoru was now up, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. Your breath hitched at the sight of him. His hand runs though his hair as the covers fall down to his lap, exposing his bare upper half as he got up.

"Happy birthday babygirl." He says, stretching out his sore muscles.

"Thank you Gojo," you respond, walking closer to him to give him a kiss.

He accepts your kiss in return, placing the palm of his hand on the side of your face.

"We need to grab you some clothes, and we have a meeting about the wedding later, and then even more wedding stuff, can you walk?"

"I can walk just fine thank you, don't flatter yourself too much." You respond, placing his hand back down. "I also need to get on contraceptives without the elders knowing, I know they want us to have a baby but I'm not ready yet. That's a big responsibility and I just gotten through one phase in my life I'm not ready for kids, and we didn't use a condom last night!"

"I know, that was intentional because a condom would've just made your first time uncomfortable." He says, getting up off of the bed to use the bathroom.

"Listen, Gojo thanks for taking my comfort into consideration but I'm so serious—"

Gojo chuckled listening to your rant in the bathroom.

"I'm not ready to have a child yet so can we please just be more careful next time?"

"Okay, listen you don't have to tell me twice I'll stop by the store on our way out get you a plan B and we'll also need to set up a doctors appointment so they can administer birth control." Gojo says from the bathroom to ease your mind.

"Thanks Gojo." You respond, walking out to search for your phone that you left in the living room.

Upon finding your phone, you look up using your nose to follow the delicious smell coming from the kitchen.  Your eyes widened at the sight before you, unsure if your mind was playing a trick on you.  It was as if you were seeing a ghost right before your eyes. 

"Yuji?!" You screamed, startling him.

He fumbles with the spatula in his hands, dropping his chopsticks that were in his hand onto the floor but saving the food that almost fell along with them.  He quickly puts the food onto the stove to pick up his chopsticks that dropped.

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