Into the Night

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After leaving the party you gladly accepted Gojo's invitation to take you back to his place. It didn't take long to get there, being that it was merely within walking distance from the venue where your party was held. It was the first time you'd been in Gojo's bachelor pad and you expected nothing less from a bachelor in his 20s. Everything was pristine, and neatly crafted with name brand appliances and intricately designed from top to bottom. The accent wall adjacent of the living room, was covered by floor to ceiling windows which provided dimly lit reflective lights peaking in from the city around you.

After taking off your shoes, you walked further inside of the penthouse taking in your new surroundings. Gojo stepped aside, walking towards the kitchen to pour himself a glass of wine. He then turns to you, watching him as you followed him into the kitchen.

Tracing your hand along the white marble countertop, you stopped briefly once you got to Gojo.

"Your place is so huge, you don't ever get lonely living here by yourself?"

"No, this is my home. I'm used to it doll." He says, putting his wine glass to his lips.

Gojo in fact never felt lonely living alone. Luckily he'd been blessed with charming good looks ever since he was a mere child. His confidence only skyrocketed once he reached adulthood, being that women naturally flocked to him with him hardly even trying. He loved experimenting with new women often times carelessly talking to more than woman at a time, but never too careless to slip up. Though he wasn't always the best at treating women the way that they should be treated. Most of his flings ending up in heartache once Gojo was no longer interested or he would simply just ghost them out of no where and blocking them without a trace.

As his days of being a bachelor were coming to an end the ghosts of his past flings would always haunt him. He wasn't always the best towards women, never staying long enough to get too attached, loving the convenience of a short term relationship with no strings attached. You would be the first woman that he'd actually have to put effort towards if he wanted to keep you happy. The thought in itself felt draining. He dreaded the day that he had to marry you. Though he knew you were gorgeous, you weren't necessarily his ideal relationship. But over the course of getting to know you, he felt as though he could trust you, and genuinely hoped that in the long run the two of you would actually work out.

"Gojo," you say in a low tone.

"Hmn?" He responds attentively.

"Have you ever had feelings for someone and they didn't like you back?" You asks, rubbing that side of your arm as your eyes downcast to the counter beneath you.

"Once, a long time ago. I don't really do relationships so I'm not the best person to ask for advice." He truthfully responds.

"Figured that much," you mumbled turning away from him as you walked over towards the window to gaze into the city.

There was a brief moment of silence between the two of you before you spoke up again.

"Fushiguro doesn't like me, and he made me promise that things won't change between us but, I know things will never be the same."

There was a brief uncomfortable moment of silence before you brush your hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry I-I know you could probably care less about my problems,"

Gojo places his glass down onto the counter, following you into the living room. Your eyes met his reflection in the glass window. He hovered over you, placing his hands on the dip of your hips, carefully brushing your hair out of the way.

"It'll take some time but, you'll get over him eventually. I can help you take your mind off of him." Gojo says in a low sultry tone, connecting his lips onto the crook of your neck.

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