Chapter 3

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Brian's driving his red truck down the streets of LA till a cop car pulls him over, Brian is confused as to why he's being stopped as the cops got out their car and one of them pulled his gun out and aimed it towards Brian as the other got on the speaker.

Tanner: Show me your hands. 

Brian does as he holds his arms out the window.

Tanner: Very good. Now open the door.

Brian does as instructed.

Tanner: Put your hands on your head. Behind your head.

He tells Brian as Brian steps out the truck and does as he's told.

Tanner: Face the front of the vehicle, walk backwords towards the rear.

Brian again did what he was told as the cop with is gun drawn starts to make his way towards Brian.

Tanner: Take two step to your right. 

Brian followed his instructions.

Tanner: Stop right there.

Brian stopped as the cop with his gun drawn puts it away and starts to search him.

Brian: What I'd do?

Muse: Shut up. He's clean, Sarge.

Muse then slaps the cuffs on Brian as they put him in the back of their car leaving Brian's truck out in the open.


Muse drove the car to a temporary base for the police as Tanner, Brian and Muse get's out, Brian get's Muse to take the cuffs off.

Brian: Damn! Muse, will you take these things off? Shit. You put them on so tight.

Muse: I like realism.

Brian and Muse chuckled as Tanner walked past them.

Tanner: You never know who's watching, Brian.

Brian and Muse then followed Tanner through a metal gate and across a small moat to get to the really nice looking home in the Los Angeles area.

Brian: Nice crib, Sergeant. It's a lot nicer than the last place you confiscated.

Tanner: Ain't it? Eddie Fisher built this house for Elizabeth Taylor in the '50s.

Brian then looks behind him to see Muse following them.

Brian: You see, even the cops are Hollywood in Hollywood.

They enter the house to see a large operation heart set on trying to find the people who keep robbing the trucks full of equipment, there's even a bunch of pictures pinned onto a wall that can be seen from pretty much anywhere in the large space, dead centre of these picture are Dominic Toretto and Logan Kenway, but not else is next to Logan's name except a message that reads 'Night Rider?'. 

Brian, Tanner and Muse then make their presents known.

Tanner: Okay, here he is, fresh from Toretto's hot rod heaven.

As soon as Brian enters the room he starts to get grilled by Bilkins.

Bilkins: That was an $80,000 vehicle, Officer.

Brian then looked to Tanner who was still next to him.

Brian: You told him what happened?

Can't Stop Now!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें