OC Character Headcanons: Mizuko Mihasho

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(Oc belongs to Aryashadeslay)

1. She prefers taking cold showers rather then hot ones because she is use to the cold because of her quirk.

2. She hates to burn people, even if it's necessary. 

3. Just mentioning All Might's name makes Mizuko want to blurt out and start ranting at the top of her lungs.

4. Kazene is her dearest friend, and she will do anything to protect her.

5. Even though he is a fellow class rep. Iida sometimes gets on Mizuko's nerves.

6. If something that involves water happens, Mizuko is often found being blamed for it.

7. Mizuko and Ochako often hold tense moments with each other.

8.  Whenever she dresses up, Mizuko can't help but want to where something flowy

9. Mizuko often wonders if she part siren.

10. Her favorite tree is a Sakura tree because she is a sucker for romance.

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