Cannon Character Headcanons: Izuku Midoriya

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1. When Izuku is stressed out, he has an All might blanket that he cuddles up in to try to calm down.

2. No matter how much Bakugou picks on him. Deku still hopes that things can go back to the way they were.

3. Deku's house in Harry Potter is a Gryffindor and his favorite character is Dumbledore because he reminds him of All Might.

4. When Deku isn't busy reading up on Pro heros, he is reading western comics about Marvel characters.

5. When Deku gets tired after training he plops on the couch in the dorms and just lies there for a while until 

one: He is asked to move by his classmates

two: He feels rested enough to get up again.

6. Deku has an All Might plush that he he's a bit embarrassed to talk about because he still has it.

7. Deku views All Might as a Dad and has to prevent himself from saying as such in front of him.

8. When talking to his classmates (especially Ochako and Bakugou), he struggles to find the right words to say to them because he doesn't want to offend them.

9. If he was in a relationship, he'd do everything in his power to make the person he cared about happy.

10. Deku likes listening to soft instrumental music because it helps him calm down and focus on homework.

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