Mt Lady x male reader request: ass-ident

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You were just waking up, getting out of bed. You had a poorly placed air vent in the middle of your floor, and of course today this happens. As you walk over it, your quirk randomly kicks in; shrinking you, so you fall through the vent.

As you tumbled down, you almost fell as you gripped another vent. You were in a decent apartment, seemingly the owner wasn't home. But then you saw her, walking through the door was mount lady; in her underwear! You watched her grab her uniform, and slip her feet into it.

Speaking of slipping, what a time to lose your grip.

You couldn't find you voice as you fell towards the unaware colossus of a hero. You fell on her butt, which was an experience; but she pulled her uniform up, trapping you.

You could only listen at this point, as Mount Lady left her house to go to a boring meeting she didn't want to attend but had too. She complained to herself about it as she walked there. Eventually, she took a bus and arrived at the commission headquarters.

You weren't in any better a position than her however, as you had to endure the heat and pressure of being sat on as the meeting dragged on. Every once in a while, however; Mount Lady wiggled her butt. You enjoyed that at least.

Soon after, Mount Lady dragged herself into her apartment; her empty apartment. "I'm so lonely", she said. She suddenly felt something tickle her, under her suit. "Why haven't I felt it til now? Please don't be a bug", she muttered.

As soon as the two of you made eye contact, Mount Lady looked; well, you expected anger. This wasn't anger.

"Are you a fan?", she asked. "Yeah", you answered. She asked where you came from, so you described your escapades.

"Happy day! I've always wanted a shrinking boyfriend! You'll be my boyfriend, right?", she asked. You nodded, not sure where this path will go.

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