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Where to go, where to go? Y/n's mind swam as she brushed the tears from her eyes. Her main priority now was putting as much distance between her and the Chemistry classroom. Once she had made it far enough away, she sank onto a bench in the hallway and folded her head into her hands. 

Her shoulders shook slightly as she desperately tried to remember her poems. She wracked her brain but knew she wouldn't be able to remember it all. Her shoulders were shaking slightly as the tears fell silently but freely.

Suddenly, there was a warm presence beside her and there were arms around her shoulders. She looked up suddenly and saw the distraught face of Meeks next to her. 

"I got your stuff for you," He said softly. 

"Th-thanks" She whispered, and, unable to contain herself any longer, she buried her face in his shoulder and cried. 

It wasn't just the destruction of her work making her so upset, but the overall pressure of school. Being the only girl was corroding her, wearing her down. The expectations were so much higher, she had to exceed all expectations, just to feel of worth. 

Meeks, unsure and tentative, just held her tightly, rubbing her arm gently. "Y/n" He mumbled after a few minutes. "Y/n, I memorized your poem. In class. Before he took it."

"What?" She lifted her head in confusion, staring bewildered at him. 

"I was looking over your shoulder, and I committed it to memory. Here" He bent down and pulled a piece of paper and a pencil, proceeding to describe her poem almost perfectly, word for word. 

"Meeks I -" She was speechless. 

"It wasn't that big of a deal," He said with a modest shrug. She threw her arms around his shoulders and held him tightly. 

"Oh my god, you are just the best! I can't believe this!" 

He just smiled, savoring the expression on her face. "Really, it wasn't that hard..."

"Shut up. I can't believe you did that for me" Her voice had dropped down to a more intimate level, and she looked seriously into his eyes. 

The moment was lost as the bell rang and students began filing out of the classrooms surrounding them. Y/n cleared her throat and peeled away, reaching down to pack up her stuff. 

"I really owe you," She told him, squeezing his arm gratefully as they started towards the lunch hall. 

"Please, don't worry about it," She told him as they entered and sat down at their table.

She couldn't help but look at him differently after that moment though. She began to notice all f the little things, his caring, his sweetness. Something was stirring, that was for sure. Something that she hadn't really felt before.

Nobody Knows This Little Rose - Dead Poets Society x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin