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The class was over within another few short minutes in which Mr. Keating explained the general rules of the class. Y/n seemed to become more and more comfortable as he talked. She felt relieved. He was exactly the kind of teacher she had been hoping to encounter. Most of her worries faded as she listened, except for one, nagging in the back of her mind.

What would the other students think of her?

At her old school, she had been teased relentlessly. She wasn't shy, or nervous, she enjoyed raising her hand, but she was much more comfortable in class than out of it. Other girls had picked on her, whether because of envy of her natural ability to succeed academically or because of mere spite. She was worried she'd receive the same reaction here. Possibly worse since it was mostly boys. 

The bell rang and everyone got to their feet and filed towards the door. "Your essays are due next week" Mr. Keating reminded the room over the shuffling of bags. "And in addition to that, I'd like you to compose a poem. Miss Y/l/n, since you're new, I'll let you off the hook for the essay, but I want an original piece. To be read aloud" He said with a wink. Y/n smiled back. 

"And don't think I don't know this assignment scares the hell out of you, Mr. Anderson" Mr. Keating added as he turned, and disappeared around the doorframe.

Y/n fumbled with her bag for a moment, looking for her schedule. Most of the class had gone, muttering to each other about the new girl, and the lesson. A few stragglers had stayed behind. Charlie, when the bell had rung, had immediately got to his feet, and crossed the room to lean against the desk to the right of y/n's. When the others had realized he had stayed behind, they also lingered. Meeks and Pitts awkwardly stood towards the door, while Neil busied himself with organizing my books. Finally, Charlie spoke up.

"Hi. You're new to Welton" He said curtly, a smirk already playing across his lips. 

Y/n looked up, just noticing his presence. "It would appear that way," she said, slightly sarcastically, looking him up and down. 

"Charlie. Charlie Dalton" He said, sticking out his hand. This earned a smile from her as she reached to shake it. 

"It's nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm Y/n y/l/n" She said kindly, returning the handshake. To her surprise, he leaned down to kiss her hand, a quick peck on the back of her knuckles. 

"I know."

She blushed. 

Cameron cleared his throat from the doorway. "Don't we have class, Charlie?" He said pointedly. Charlie dropped y/n's hand and looked exasperatedly around at him. "Can't you see I'm trying to make the lady feel at home?" He said annoyed, beckoning y/n towards the door.

"Hi, y/n. I'm Steven." Meeks said, holding out a hand and shaking hers. 

"Don't be shy Meeskie tell her your real name" Charlie cut across. "His last name is Meeks so we call him Meeks" The group chuckled. Neil and Pitts also shook y/n's hand. 

"So what class do you have next?" Meeks asked, glancing at the schedule clutched firmly in y/n's grip. 

"Chemistry," y/n said, smiling genuinely now. "I don't suppose any of you could show me where that is, could you?" She asked as the bell rang again and the group started off down the hall. 

"Shit!" Charlie muttered under his breath. "I haven't got Chem now, I've got stupid Latin" he explained. He was more frustrated than he let on.

"I've got Chem, and so does Todd there," Meeks said warmly, nodding encouragingly at y/n. "We have an empty seat at our table, you can sit with us" He offered. Charlie scowled but shrugged it off.

"Thanks!" y/n said enthusiastically. "I was so worried I wouldn't have anyone..." She added softer. 

"Well you can certainly stick with us," Neil said gently, tugging on Charlie's elbow. "Come on Charlie, let's get to Latin before Mr. McAllister fries us alive" he laughed and the two set off in the other direction. 

Cameron and Pitts took the next left off to a study hall period. 

Y/n walked with Todd and Meeks, sitting with them in the back of the Chemistry classroom. "Todd doesn't like to talk in class, and I do. So it's a good balance. He'll be relieved that you're here too. I reckon you're a talker" Meeks muttered as they got out their books and waited for the teacher. 

Y/n smiled appreciatively. "Yeah... yeah, I'm not exactly shy," she said. "Hey, listen, can I ask you something?" She said, leaning in a little closer.

Meeks raised his eyebrows slightly. "Of course you can," He said with an encouraging expression. "What's up?"

"Are all the teachers like Mr. Keating? Is that what every class is li-" She was interrupted as she noticed Meek's expression go slack, and his freckled cheeks turned paler.

She whipped around and saw the Chemistry teacher staring down at her, looking irritated 

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