Chapter 2

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"And there are the greenhouses, but of course you won't be spending time there."

Kurt gazed around the grounds excitedly, suddenly wishing he had a few more pairs of eyes so he could take it all in...and of course, he wouldn't mind being able to focus on Blaine at the same time.

Their long robes swept around them as they strolled along the sloping lawns. Blaine had already shown him to all his classes and the Great Hall, but had insisted, despite Kurt's protests, that he show Kurt the grounds as well.

"You're not an outdoor person, are you?" Blaine had asked, laughing as Kurt had shaken his head, wrinkling his nose.

Kurt squinted against the bright sun, which reflected against the still, dark waters of the lake stretching out before them as they crested the hill. The Castle towered behind them, its turrets clawing at the pale sky.

Blaine threw himself down in the grass under a wide beech tree and patted the spot beside him with a smile.

"So, what do you think of what you've seen so far?" Blaine said, leaning back on his elbows and closing his eyes to soak up the unusually warm, early-November sun.

"It's amazing," Kurt breathed, adjusting his robes carefully around his crossed legs. "I've never seen anything like it. McKinley seems so...simple now."

Blaine opened his eyes to throw him a grin. "Just wait," he said shaking a finger at Kurt. "Quidditch season starts soon and you've never been to a match before. That rubbish Quodpot you Americans play doesn't even compare."

"You like Quidditch?" Kurt said, quirking an eyebrow in surprise.

Blaine snorted. "I ought to, I'm Captain of the House team."

"Really?" Kurt said.

"Yep," Blaine replied, chuckling at his surprise. "I've been known to break a stereotype or two."

Kurt blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"It's fine," Blaine said with a laugh.

Kurt smiled faintly. "What position do you play?" he said, trying to remember what he had read about the sport when researching the school.

"Keeper," Blaine replied. "Tried out for Chaser originally but all the positions were full so I tried my hand at Keeping and got the spot. I've played since third year. Just got Captain this year, when our old Seeker left. We won the Cup last year, beat out Gryffindor two-eighty to two-seventy. Couldn't talk for a week afterwards from celebrating." He sighed happily. "I reckon we'll do alright this year, but our new Seeker just isn't the same as Paul was. He was brilliant, only missed three Snitches in five years."

Kurt nodded, though he had no idea what Blaine was talking about. Blaine seemed to read the confusion on his face because he laughed, patting Kurt on the leg.

"You'll learn soon enough," Blaine chuckled. "I didn't know much about it when I started at Hogwarts." He shrugged, gazing out across the lake.

They sat in silence for a moment, listening to the sounds of the wind whispering through the bare branches overhead.

"You'll like it here," Blaine said suddenly.

Kurt turned to him, but Blaine wasn't looking at him, his eyes still trained on the rippling water.

"I hope so," Kurt said softly.

Blaine gave him a curious look, like he was trying to interpret something written in a foreign language. "You will, I'm sure of it. You won't have to worry about being hurt by anyone. And if you have any problems, don't hesitate to come to me. Or any of the Prefects or Professors." He shifted his weight and laid his hand on the grass next to Kurt, his fingertips almost touching Kurt's robes. "I-we're here to help."

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