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You were just sitting on your awesome gamer uwu chair reading Sherk x Dora when a hot sexy cockroach landed in front of you

"Woah...Hey there" You seductively said, putting your phone on your desk

The cockroach squeaked and flew on your hair

"Oh, you wanna go on a date?" You asked standing up

The cockroach bit your scalp and you shivered from the pain that felt like a needle poking you

"Stop that" You playfully swatted at it and spirited downstairs to the front door, putting on your shoes

"Mom! I'm going outside for a bit!" You shouted, not even waiting for your mother's response, slamming the door shut

You walked for a bit before reaching the park, the cockroach flew to a bench so you sat beside it

"I never got your name soo?"

The cockroach crawled over your arm, your shoulder, and to your ear

"Cock" Cock whispered

'That was hot' You thought, as a shiver ran down your spine at Cock's voice

"Alright Cock, I'm Reader Nice to meet you."

Cock flew down beside you and started spinning

You giggled adorably

"Look at that hottie over there"You snapped your neck to look at the brats not that far away from you and Cock

You growled at them "It's mine only! Piss off, you whores!" You shouted and flipped them off

With fear visible on their faces, the girls walked away quickly

You felt something touch your fingers, out of surprise you shooed the thing away harshly before realizing it.


You stood as fast as you can and looked around

You then spotted Cock beside a rock

You bolted to it and held Cock gently

"My Love, My hoe, My sexy little roach. I'm sorry!" You cried out

You kissed its abdomen still crying

The next day you got multiple diseases because you were a simp and let the filthy cockroach bit you plus you kissed it.


That Time I Met You |Cockroach x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now