Homestuck Trash

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Well looks like I'm homestuck trash now. Soooo... THIS BOOK WILL ALSO HAVE HS REFERENCES! Anyway for those who also like Homestuck, I've made another account for fanfics. It's called Emblem_of_Homestuck. So far I've started writing one called 'The Crabby Lover' it's yaoi!!!! It's also Johnkat! The FIC doesn't have anything to do with the homestuck plot so no worries there. Anyway, back to the actual story.
Lily's POV

It's been ten minutes since I got out of that damn sack and all we've done is glare at each other. (We being Fern and I.) I just cannot believe her!

So she was perfectly fine with her freak, but me? HELL NO! I am NOT ok with Zoro. And those two still haven't told us jack shit!

I swear those two are worse than Karkat and Eridan. I mean at least Eridan would've killed us and Karkat would've said SOMETHING. Hell, I'd rather deal with Kankri.

"Why the fuck aren't you talking?!" I finally demanded. "A new homestuck update came out and Tiffany and I were going to read it!" I left out the part where we couldn't actually talk to each other. "Plus I still have anime to marathon!"

"... What?" Zoro looked confused. "What the fuck is any of that?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm leaving. Now." I began to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and whirled me around.

"What?! Why?! I haven't even said anything to piss you off! Why are you so angry? Anime isn't even good. It's for kids."

I gasped at him and put my hand on my heart. "It is NOT for kids! And why am I pissed? Hah! Don't make me laugh! Maybe, just maybe, it's because you're a psycho who kidnapped me!"

"Ok. Ok. Good point. But I have a better point. I love you." He said it as if he was apologizing. I scoffed and turned to leave. He sighed and pulled me back and as he smushed my body against his, he kissed me.

I heard Fern gasp loudly then giggle. Oh hell no. He is not going to kiss me and she is not going to giggle! I can't believe her!

I shoved him off and slapped him, hard. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I stomped my foot. "One second you're bullying me, calling me a freak and dumping trays on me and next you're kissing me?! Bipolar much?!"


Zoro's POV

You... WHAT?! My wolf, Scar, growled at me. Why would you bully anyone?! Let alone our mate?!

'I... Didn't know she was my mate.'

That's why you don't bully people! You ignorant human...

Before I could respond, Lily began to speak. "Look, I'm not sure about Fern since she seems happy and I don't know her that well, but I'm leaving. Besides, I have Homestuck to read."

"Home wh-"

"OMG! I love homestuck!" Alice, my sister, yelled.

My mate smiled in a way I had never seen her smile before and ran up to my sister. "How far are you?"

"Caught up. You?"

"Today's upd8 only!" They both laughed.

"So... My brother kidnapped you?" My mate nodded. "Well, why don't we get revenge?" She grabbed evilly. Oh shit. I have to deal with my mate's tantrums and my sister's? I sigh deeply. Maybe it won't be that bad...
Sorry it's short! Well anyway here's the next upd8. I hope you don't mind the Homestuck stuff.. Anyway please and thank you for waiting for the upd8s and sticking with this story!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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MY MATE IS AN OTAKU?!?!?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora