Chapter 2

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When I was 13, my only friend, my mom, died in a car accident. From that day on, nothing was the same. My dad loved my mom, she was the love of his life. Me and him didn't really get along, but after my moms death, my dad changed. Nothing could make him happy. All he wanted was to have my mom back. I missed her too. I really wish she was here, because everything is different now. My dad has started drugs and alcohol. I am being Cyber Bullied. Bad. Because of everything, 1 year after her death, I have started self harm, and drugs. My doctors try to give me ways to stop, but I can't. I have come close to dying three times so far. Every morning, I wake up, surprised I'm still here. But, I know, one morning I won't wake up. Should I be here?

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