chpt 11

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Please listen to the song it's amazing. Also we brought it in trending in just 5 hours great work guys. I love this song. It's so nice also in the ending it is written that the revenge is back it means that part 2 of this can also come also Teri aadat two is also coming. Keep streaming! Wohooooo!

Let's start,

Avu came back from the garden she was still in her building ground. Those questions were roaming in her mind continuously.

Finally she decided to check whats wrong.

She went there and knocked on the door and

No one opened the door.

Sm1's POV

After many days someone knocked on the door. But still I don't want to open the door anyways I have to start getting ready for college. Be ready Siddharth.

Ya sm1 was sid.

Sid: I am all dead inside right now I am sitting on the floor between the pieces of glass with I just broke. One piece got stuck in my foot but who even cares I don't have anyone to care no family nor friends. Chuckled sadly. Currently blood is coming out but it isn't paining anymore.
I didn't knew this one year everything would change. I wish to go in an empty spot and scream aloud removing my all anger and sorrow. I will go to college and as usual no one will be my friend which even I don't want I always wait for someone who loves me not being a fake friend. Anyways who cares. Let's just be ready for the college.

Avu's POV

Avu: I am knocking continuesly but no one is opening the door. I want that what I think is not the truth. Anyways I will just go at my house right now and prepare the cake for Jan.

She went and prepared cake for general she wrote happy dreams come true.

I went and changed into my comfortable clothes and again started thinking about the matter
I think someone was there inside because I could see a slight shadow which was moving. I also had some muttering sounds. Let's leave this. By the way where is Jan why she hasn't come.
Then the bell rang, she opened the door and it revealed to be jan.

Avu: where the heck were you?
I was waiting for you from so long you told it might take 3 hours.

Jan: sorry but I was busy and those personal details were a bit tricky so I had called mom-dad to help me out with it on phone. Also I was seeing the rooms in the hostel so that I can get a good room. And also we had to choose a roommate.

Jan came in and sat on the couch.

Avu : did u choose one?

Jan: umm no, because it was too confusing to choose from strangers. So I decided to leave it on the hostel staff so that they can choose a good one for me.

Avi: ok now got change. After that we will do cake cutting and enjoy!

Jannat went and changed. When she came back she saw that avu was busy in her own thoughts.

Again avu's mind was filled with that incident.

Jannat was shaking avu and screaming her name but no response.

Jan: Avu Avu Avu!

Avu- WTF! Jannat. Why are you screaming my name again and again?

Jan- I was shaking you and screaming your name from past 3 minutes but you are listening to me. you are lost in your own world. What happened bacha? Are you ok? You are looking quite disturbed?

Avi told everything about the incident.
Jannat got worried.

Jan- now I am feeling like I should not leave you alone here I so wish that I could leave the hostel.
Shall I leave the hostel?

Avu got tears in her eyes seeing such a good best friend. She was feeling so lucky. She hugged genet and said

Avu- no need of that Jannat you focus on your studies and if something happens I have mum dad and I also know how to do self defence.
She said flipping her hair.dramatically

They both laughed. Soon they cut the cake had dinner and slept because they both had to wake up early in the morning make the breakfast and also get some groceries. Then avu had to buy some text books also. Both were excited and nervous at the same time. That incident was still in her mind.

2 days later

Jannat had left for hostel and avu's college was also going to start today but as usual madam was sleeping.

Her alarm woke her up disturbing her beautiful sleep.

Avu : can't this shit of peace let me sleep. Ughh!! Wait today have to go to college today's my first day. Wohooo!! I have to get ready pack my bag and go.

I quickly got ready.
This is what I wore

This is what I wore

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Done for the day.

Idk why this Wattpad isn't allowing my videos which are not from youtube?

If you have a solution pls tell.

847 words.

Tata,bye bye

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