Chapter 3

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It was a beautiful morning. Snowflakes dancing outside,everything white and clear,no worries,and breakfast ready on the table.

"Hello Helena!" George stood up

"HI George,don't ask! I feel amazing" Helena smiled

"Oh and by the way call me Lena"Helena smiled again

"Oh ok" George agreed, blushing.

"Helena hello! How are you? Did you forgive Hazel? I mean Haze" Hermione grinned

"Everything is fine Hermione! No need to worry,but thanks for the support."

"Goodmorning friends! OH NO..." Luna greeted

"What happened Luna?" asked Hazel

"Where did you come from?" asked Helena

"I was here the whole time" Hazel said putting her nose up

"Whenever there is no pudding she gets furious" Ron explained

"Don't lie Ron i am sure she has something more important" Hazel replied annoyed

"You'll see"

"T-there is PUDDING!" Luna screamed in frustration

"I told you" Ron said while Hazel was standing there in disbelief

After everybody ate they left the great hall and then made a plan to meet up outside to play snowballs,since they we're allowed to have their last day of fun because tomorrow classes start.

"So how about we meet at 3p.m?" Hermione suggested

"Hello! Ooo you must be the new students! I am Ginny weasley. I guess you are Helena. Lena for short. George talked about you every time he came back to the dorm. OO and you must be Hazel? Haze short. Ron talked about you! Can i join you outside?" Ginny asked,while Helena did a death stare at george.

"Girls this is Ginny Weasley,George's and Ron's sister. She is very energetic just so you know." Hermione introduced Ginny as Hazel and Helena shook her hand

"Of course we'd be happy to have more friends join our fun! So today at 3p.m?" Hazel said as Helena nodded.

"3p.m!" They all said as they started laughing and hugging

2 hours passed and it was 3p.m. They all met up outside and while they waited for others they made snowballs for both of the teams.

At last they we're all there and they chose the teams.

"Hmm. Luna, you come to my team!" Helena chose

"Hermione you are mine!" Hazel said





"What? Wait..why do you have 3 people and we have 4?" Helena asked

"Oh no there are not enough people! If only we had one more-" Hermione said in frustration

"I KNOW WHO! HARRY! HARRY POTTER.."Ginny said as she ran off to get her boyfriend Harry,and oh that's where the interesting part started.

As she ran to get Harry she heard a door shut behind her. In the hallway there were no doors.

*Maybe from far away* Ginny thought as she continued her journey

What do you think happened? Was that a door or somebody? Comment to get a shoutout!

After sometime Ginny came back with the famous Harry Potter.

"Hello!" Everybody said

"Hi! So you needed a teammate for the snowball fight?" Harry asked

"Yes we do and you are against little boy!" Ginny said as everybody laughed and Harry stood behind Hazel.

"START!" Helena yelled when the both teams started aiming at each other with snowballs. They hit each other and whoever got hit from the team gets out and has to build a snowman. If they don't they can't get back in the team. When all the snowballs finished they counted people that stayed in their team.

"I have 3 on my team,Luna got out"Helena said

"I have 2 on mine including me and Harry" Hazel said

"WE WON! HAHAH" Helena and her team screamed as they all fell on the snow.

"Well we gotta get going. We have classes starting from tomorrow and we have to study. By the way if we start out classes without being late and getting everything correct on our test we can go too-"Hermione said

"HOGSMEADE!" They all screamed except Hazel and Helena since they didn't know what that was.

"Oh well it's like a street with lots of shops and one of the shop's is mine and....Fred's" George explained when a tear suddenly ran down his face.

"Georgie we all miss him" Ginny said as she hugged George.

"He had a twin brother named Fred and he loved him very much,but during the war he died." Hermione explained as Helena and Hazel both sighed.

Helena came towards George and hugged him tight. She understood how it feels to lose someone since she lost her mother Hannah.

"George i know how you feel,even Hazel does"


"Well you see...i had a beautiful mother. Her name was Hannah. She was my pureblood,and she died while defeating Voldemort" Helena said when she burst into tears.

"I tried to hold myself for too long...i couldn't just not cry i am so sorry Hazel" Helena cried. Hazel hugged her sister tight and a tear ran down her face. 2 seconds later now their friends all surrounded them both and hugged them,because all of them know how that feels,even if it's your friends death.

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