Chapter 16: Even Miracles Take A Little Time

Start from the beginning

"Enough, brother," Cinderella sighed. "You see now that I spoke the truth. Nothing will turn Y/N's loyalties."

His boots clanking against the floor, Brynjar strode over to where you stood and admired you with hungry eyes. "A real shame. It would have been a pleasure to have you sit by my feet while I ruled. Such a pretty addition you would have made to the throne room, indeed. Perhaps with fewer marks on your delicate face. Or at least only ones made by me."

At his side, Brynjar's hand had barely twitched before you kneed him in the groin. The swift and sudden reflex sent another debilitating wave of pain through your body but it was more than worth it. "If you so much as think of touching me again, you will regret it."

Brynjar had you pressed against the wall, his dagger at your throat, before the guards responded to his yell and came barrelling in to the safe room. He drew the cold metal edge slowly across your skin with just enough pressure to make you uncertain whether this would be your last breath or not. Still, you held his iron gaze and refused to show weakness, even though you were clearly at a disadvantage.

"I can see why the trickster likes you," Brynjar conceded, returning his dagger to its hold. "I won't kill you today. Take her to the dungeons."

"Brother, surely she should see a healer first?"

"No need. The cells are enchanted to prevent death by such injuries. One of Odin's great ideas to make his prisoners suffer more than they already were. And if she dies... Well. I doubt anyone will mourn the loss." Dismissing both you and Cinderella, Brynjar waves his hand in the air and took his seat in Odin's throne one again. "Take her away."

Despite being too weak to even walk unaided, you were escorted to the dungeon by a troop of six armed men. They threw you haphazardly in to a dingy little cell where the lights were too bright and the air too cold. Curled up in the corner of your cell, you stopped fighting the pain and let it tear through your body in the hope that it may finally just tear you apart and end it all.

You weren't sure how much time had passed when you heard light footsteps coming down the hallway. The voice you heard was familiar but you were too exhausted to lift your head and see who it belonged to. What was the point anyway?

"You're wanted upstairs. There's a group of rowdy townsfolk gathering at the servants' door demanding answers."

The man outside your cell sounded confused. "I was ordered by Brynjar not to leave the wench. There are plenty of others to deal with angry salesmen."

"Well, these are new orders," the familiar voice insisted. You knew you knew that voice but your brain was too foggy to focus on placing it. Sleep was calling and you were becoming more inclined to listen to it.

"Who are you? From which faction do you come?" When no immediate answer came the man's way, he drew his sword on the newcomer. "If you do not answer my questions, I will have no choice but to treat you as the enemy. If that is the case, then I will have to kill you."

There was a loud thud as the guardsman fell to the ground, whacked around the head by the woman - definitely a woman, you decided - who no longer had the patience to deal with his weak threats. "Men," she groaned. "It's all talk with them."

Stepping into your line of sight, your eyes widened. Even disguised under thick layers of clothing, lugging around armour meant for a man twice her size, you'd know her anywhere. There was only one person that could convey such affectionate contempt for you in this way. "Inga?"

"You truly are dreadful at this hero lark, sister," Inga sighed, pulling off her helmet and swinging her hair over her shoulder with a confidence to match the Valkyries of legend. Stabbing her trusty dagger into the small panel that controlled the force field around your cell, Inga jumped up and crossed the small space to where you were slumped.

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