Chapter 2: A Royal Invitation

Start from the beginning

Loki didn't reply for a while, instead just sat reading some new book from the grand palace library - one you'd never been allowed to enter. Eventually, the prince got bored and asked, "Did you get an invitation to the ball?"

"You know the answer to that already. I assume I have you to thank for it?"

"Well, it was your idea to open the ball to all the people. It seemed only right that you were granted an invitation."

Keeping your eyes low, you suddenly became very engrossed in peeling the potatoes. So quiet that you were surprised he even heard, you breathed, "Thank you, Loki."

"Y/N, look at me." Even with the relaxed friendship you had with him, Loki was still your prince and there was no way that you would refuse a direct order, especially when there were others nearby. You knew that, even though they pretended not to pay your interactions with Loki any attention, they were listening out for any morsel of gossip. "Tell me why you've been avoiding my gaze."

Putting the knife down, you walked over to where he sat and stopped an appropriate distance away - as close as a servant would ever be expected to come to their royals. As you'd noted before, there were a lot of eyes turned towards you right now and the last thing you needed was for someone to berate you for breaking protocol. "I'm sorry. I gave my invitation away. I really appreciate that you made sure I got one - especially when you didn't need to go to the trouble for me - but my sister deserved it more."

You suddenly shivered as the air turned cold around you. Loki swung his legs around so they were dangling off the window ledge and patted the space beside him. Catching your frightened glance around the kitchen, the prince smirked and said, "Do not worry about them. What they can see is an illusion. They will see only what I want them to. You may move as you wish, although I would very much like you to join me here."

"Need I bring my knife?" you asked, narrowing your eyes slightly at the thought that there were now no witnesses to dissuade the prince from doing whatever he wanted. You knew better of him but that niggling distrust of nobles was not easily overcome.

Loki chuckled, shaking his head in exasperation. "You have made it perfectly clear what should happen if I overstep your boundaries, Y/N. I swear on my honour that I mean only to talk. For the sake of my hands, I shall keep them to myself."

Taking his word to be true, you perched yourself on the window ledge by the prince's side. As you made yourself a little more comfy, resting your back against the wall and drawing your legs underneath you, you began to understand why Loki would come and sit down here day after day. This was a surprisingly comfortable place to sit and watch the world pass.

"Y/N, are we not friends?" Loki asked, when you finally stopped wriggling about. The worried lines on his face softened when you nodded and he continued, "You must know that you have - surprisingly - become one of my most trusted confidents. And you have spoken freely to me on multiple occasions in the past. Sometimes far too freely, if truth be told. But that aside, I must know why you thought I would be angry about this."

"I don't know. I thought maybe you'd be upset that I gave my invitation away after you went to all the trouble of getting the king to allow we common people into the ball and then making sure my name was on the list. I don't know why. I'm sorry. I was being stupid. I wanted to go. Honestly, I did. I wanted to be there to help you through it all but my sister... She's a seamstress, you see. And she's just had another child. If she doesn't get some new patrons soon then she won't be able to afford to look after her family and I thought that if she went then she could impress some of the lords and ladies and..."

"Breathe," Loki said, stopping you from rambling any further. Holding back a smile at the utter ridiculousness of your fears, the prince patted your knee and sighed, "How could I be upset with you, Y/N, when you'd do something so selfless for your family? You truly are too good a woman for this world. I will personally introduce your sister to a handful of potential patrons."

"You really don't need to do that!" you exclaimed. "That's not why I told you at all! You owe me no favours, Loki. I honestly didn't mean for you to..."

"Y/N," he interrupted, again. "It is no hardship."

"Thank you so much," you said, pulling the prince into a hug. The moment you realised what you were doing, you pulled away, running a hand through your hair and apologising immediately. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate."

Loki responded by pulling you back into another embrace, refusing to let you go until you finally relaxed in his arms. "Stop holding back because protocol dictates you keep a distance from me. Stop apologising. It's becoming tiring. I don't know how else to make you understand, Y/N. You are more than just a companion with whom I pass away the hours. Our conversations are the highlight of my day. You are insightful, have a bigger heart than is good for you and - at least most of the time - display more tact than the entire council. You are my closest friend here and I will never be offended if you decide to act like it. Understand?"

You nodded, a warmth settling in your chest. You couldn't ignore the fears that others would seek to reprimand you for your friendship with the prince but knowing that Loki thought you so dear helped bury them deeper in your mind. "I really would liked to have gone," you told him. "If not just to see you stepping on the feet of all the fair maidens wanting to dance."

"Oh, of course you're coming," Loki said as if it were the most obvious thing in the universe. "You shall be my personal guest and stay by my side to ward away the tiresome hoards. I can think of no one better to keep me company through such a dull event."

"You will still have to dance with most of the kingdom," you pointed out. "I am not brave enough to step in the way of the king's great match making plans. And you never know, you may find the one you wish to marry after all."

"Perhaps." The prince smiled, although you both knew it was forced, before rising to his feet to leave. "I was warned by your troll of a head cook that I am not allowed to visit tomorrow as you'll be far too busy preparing the feast for the ball. So, I shall suppose I shall see you there. You have a gown to wear?"

You nodded. Your sister had, many years ago, made you the finest of dresses as a birthday present. Layers upon layers of blue silk, covered in the most stunning gem work so that they shone in the light like a million tiny snow crystals. It had never been worn - you'd never had reason to wear something so grand - but you knew it would be perfect for the ball.

Loki took your hand and kissed your knuckles, as he did after every visit. "Until then, my lady."

"My prince," you said with a curtsy. As he went to leave, you caught his hand, barely brushing your fingers past his, and whispered, "Thank you, Loki. For everything."

"Anything for you, Y/N."

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