Chapter 1

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•Third Point Of View•

It had been a couple of months since the couple had taken in the twins and their relatives have yet to be found.

"Do you think we could adopt them? " Shota asks.

"I WOUld love to" Hizashi half yells with his quirk before Shota used his own quirk to deactivate his husband's as the children were napping.

So now the couple was talking to Detective Naomasa to see if they could adopt the infants.

"Can we keep them? " Hizashi asked although it sounded like a child asking their parent if they could keep a stray cat or dog. Hizashi was sure the detective would say yes as they were pro heros and quite responsible.

"That's not for me to decide, you would have to go to a judge" Naomasa explained.

Hizashi was disappointed but still somewhat excited as they still had a chance at adopting the kiddos. Shota didn't look too excited but on the inside he we squealing like some fan girl.

So they went to a judge and in the end they became parents.

~Time skip: like 5 months later • this time skip has been brought to you by Tanjiro's broken sword~

Aizawa had just gotten back from his patrol only to find Izuku watching a Russian telenovela.

(I don't know Russian so ima just put it in italics and you can pretend that it's Russian. Also when Izuku speaks Russian it's more slurred cuz he a 8 month old baby so it's definitely not perfect.)

"You bastard! " Izuku yelled, Aizawa had no idea what the small child had said. So he opened google translate, "can you say that again? ". " You bastard! " "No! " Aizawa yells after seeing what the Google Translate says. 

Ding dong. It was the door bell. Shota went to answer the door while Hizashi went to try to explain to Izuku that he can't say bad words even though it's in a language most people won't understand.

"What do you want Nemuri? " Aizawa asked tiredly.

"Lemme see your kids" Nemuri says excitedly.

(A/N: for some reason I can write around 800 words but then struggle to write 300 words. Did you like it? I'll try to put more puns and memes. Tell me your favorite part.


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