Chapter 2

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                                                                       Chapter 2

                                                                     Boy Meets Fox

Foxy was having a normal day. Playing with kids and just having fun with them. It was the end of the day so kids went to go watch Freddy before they left. Foxy was tired but not for any kid who wanted to play. Just then a little boy with blond hair ran in. He was crying. "They all hate me" he said. "I want to go home" the boy loked about 8 years old. The boy sat down on the stage, and weped. Foxy aproced him slowly not to scare him. He said "Hello little boy what makes you cry". "Its my brother's friends" he said "Today I came to my brother's friend's party and they just threw pizza at me. My brother didn't even stop them". The boy turned around to see a giant fox. The boy did not mind though. Foxy could see a small pizza slice stuck to the side of the boys face. "Its allright lad" said Foxy as he took the pizza slice gently of the boy's face. "How would you like to be me frist mate". "That would be nice" said the boy "I love pirates". "What is your name boy" asked Foxy. "Loren" said the boy. "Nice name" said Foxy "can you sword fight"? "You bet I can" said Loren. Forthe rest of the day Loren learned all thighs you need to know about being a pirate. All afternoon they played until Loren had to leave. "Good bye Foxy" yelled Loren. "Sail Safely" yelled Foxy. Loren soon kept comeing back to play with Foxy. This lead up to a wonderful friendship between Foxy and Loren. This how Foxy got his first mate. Loren soon had to grow up and take care of his sister. The story will soon introduce some new Characters.\

He Guys its Link (Loren) the caracters to be introduced are actully people I know in real life they requested to be in the book so keep reading!



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