He's back already?

Start from the beginning

"Pinch me."

"No, no, no, you pinch me!"

"No, you pinch me."

"No pinch me!"

The tall boy grabbed Tubbo's arm and pinched him. Tubbo wasn't dreaming. This wasn't a dream. This was not a dream. Tubbo started to hyperventilate and backed away quickly, stumbling and almost tripping before barely catching himself.

"The fuck is going on?" He looked back at Tubbo, "Hello?" Tubbo looked through him.

"What...How can you..you..you died." Tubbo began blinking rapidly, he was quite literally seeing the impossible.

"Tubbo I've been.." He stopped and thought about what Tubbo said. "Never say that! Never say that ever! EVER!"

"Never say that..?"

"I don't wanna talk about it I never wanna talk about that... It's just well okay well its not..okay Tubbo.."


"Tubbo, no I'm alive, I'm alive and well, there's the bench over there," He pointed at a bench not too far from them, "Where we would listen to songs and, and sit when we first defeated Dream and when we last defeated him."


"We didn't even defeat- Tubbo we didn't defeat Dream we didn't- Tubbo look, look. LOOK! LOOK! HE'S GOING TO BREAK OUT OF PRISON! He's going to break out of prison we need, we need, we need, we need to kill Dream and we probably need to kill Technoblade- Technoblade owes him a favor we cant- Tubbo, Tubbo look at me, look at me..b-believe me we can't.."

"..Y-yea..?" Tubbo hesitantly tilted his head up and looked him in the eyes.

"He's gonna break out of prison Tubbo...He's gonna, he's gonna he's gonna! HE'S GONNA! HE-HE TECHNOBLADE OWES HIM A FAVOR HE TOLD ME HE TOLD ME AND TUBBO I SAW...I SAW DEATH TUBBO..."

"..So you wanna..-"

"Don't make me fucking, don't talk about it, don't make me talk about it alright?"


"I saw death and I saw everything." He sounded exhausted and scared.

"Okay, okay...I won't..what?" Tubbo could barely comprehend the situation.

"I wasn't gonna-...What's this..?" The boy in red looked up at the Bee&Boo.

"..Oh this is an Inn."

"Right next to my hotel?!"

"Oh yea, that's because Jack Manifold took over and he's kinda made it like, crappy, so I made a little Inn."

"So Tubbo you-"

"I also got married."

He stared at Tubbo with disgust, "You got married..?"


"Tubbo I'm gonna go...can I ask you leave me for a minute..?"

"..Yea. Yea yea yea yea.." 

"See you in a minute."


Tubbo watched as the boy ran into his hotel. And just like that he was gone. He stared. He couldn't believe his eyes. He suddenly felt every emotion hit him at once, he felt bitter, yet so insanely happy, yet so terrified. He felt himself go limp and fall onto the floor. He raised his knees and buried his head into them, with his hands over his head. Tubbo wanted to cry, he wanted to cry so badly. There was no way this was real, though he knew it was. He wished it wasn't real. He thought back to earlier that morning, finally, he had gotten some fucking closure, just a little bit. Finally, he had emotionally opened up about the pain that his best friend's death had caused him. Tubbo was right all along. He was right to feel stupid. It never mattered anyway. This just goes to show that he never should've opened up. It was worthless in the end. It will always be for nothing. He felt so embarrassed. Tubbo was a fool. He wanted to cry, so badly. God, Tommy was so selfish. He couldn't just let Tubbo have this one thing. He couldn't let Tubbo grieve and move on, he just had to show up and make him feel so incredibly shitty. Couldn't Tommy just go away? Just go away forever and leave him alone forever. Tubbo already had things he was dealing with, why the fuck did Tommy have to go and come back. Tommy was a fucking arrogant asshole. Tubbo hated this. He wanted this to all just go away. He shifted his head up and his eyes met his coat that was lying on the floor... A single tear fell down his cheek, his face scrunched up as he tried to compose himself. He crawled over to his coat and took the pack out of the pocket. He stared at it for a few seconds, he heard Tommy and Jack yelling at each other from the Hotel across the path. He genuinely couldn't care less, he just needed some peace and quiet. Tubbo sighed, grabbing a cigarette as another tear fell.

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