doctor's orders - scott lang*

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hello and welcome <3 (includes: FEM READER, significant but legal age difference, fem receiving oral, penetration, creampie, very slightly dominant scott, but no specific kinks. no condom. pls use condoms.)

"soooo. what are you gonna do now?"

it's graduation night. the night you officially earn your phd. in a decorated stadium with bright lights, flashing scoreboards, and thousands of seats and all you can think about is him. dr. lang would just sound so much better. the age difference was 22 years, and you worry that scott would find that weird. he must think of you as a kid. you turned 26 this year and are very accomplished and mature for your age, but will that make him notice you?


"oh, what? i'm sorry." you said, snapping out of your thoughts.

"i asked what you were going to do now that you've graduated." the girl asked.

"i'm working for an organization. my degree will help me move further up the corporate ladder."

"that's great! you got a significant other to enjoy the occasion with?" she asked. she seemed to be flirting.

"not really."

"oh. well, if you'd like to go for dinner, we can celebrate together." she smirked. she was very sweet, but scott was at the forefront of your mind.

"i'm so sorry. i have my eye on somebody, i hope you understand."

"are they hot?" she asked.

"haha, yeah, i think he is. i just hope he thinks the same thing about me." you add, and it's very true. scott is a sexy, sexy man.

"lucky guy. have a good night."

you exchanged smiles before she left, leaving you to collect your thoughts. there's no debating it. you have to tell scott.

after stepping out of the elevator on the floor that your room was on, you immediately noticed scott, bruce, and tony standing in the living area smiling.

"what's up?" you ask, walking past them.

"you're a doctor now!" bruce said. "we wanted to congratulate you."

"thank you. it just feels like nothing has changed." you sat on the couch, the guys following suit.

"well now you can cut into people legally so i'd say something has changed." scott joked.

"are you volunteering?"

"mm. maybe not." he laughed.

"kid, the point is, it is a change. a good, big change. we're all proud of you." tony said.

"yeah. thank you guys, i really appreciate it. i just think i should get some rest." you said, stretching your back and standing up.

"of course. we'll be here." bruce added with a little side hug. you smiled at them all and headed up to your room.

okay. maybe not today then.

the compound was freezing. you constantly found yourself wearing warm clothes and shrouding yourself in thick blankets. the most freezing place was the kitchen. but you gotta eat at some point.

you patter through the kitchen in your fuzzy slippers, searching for any decent food. all you could find is eggs and cereal with no milk.

"i'll show you where the secret stash is if you keep it a secret."

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