Chapter 4

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Abysswatcher flew upwards, his arms tucked into his chest. He landed on highest ledge of the Palace, where the queen was. She wasn't sitting on her large golden throne, so he walked over to the large door. Two SeaWing guards stood on each side of the door, both holding long spears with pearls wrapped around them. The narrowed their eyes as they saw him approaching.

Abysswatcher had never been to this door before, so he never even knew they were there. He didn't even know their names. "Hey. Is this Queen Clam's room?" He questioned.

"Yes. You have no business here. Now leave," one guard said. He had a nasty scar that crawled across his snout. 

"But I have something important. I must speak to Queen Clam," Abysswatcher insisted. Just let me through! 

The guard with the green scales looked to the one with blue scales slowly, as if telling him to do the talking. "Queen Clam doesn't like you, ok?" The blue one snapped, his tail flicking. "I'm her son. So I'm delivering her orders, and her orders are for you to get out."

The green SeaWing lifted his left wing slightly. "I'm sorry for Drown's rudeness," he sighed. "He's my brother. I'll allow you in, but I'll have to accompany you."

"Hey! You can't-" Drown spoke, but then cut himself off. "Fine then. He can go in. But I get to accompany him." 

"Alright," the green SeaWing said. "I'm Eelgrass by the way."

"Thanks," Abysswatcher muttered. He watched as Drown pushed open the large door, then began to trail after him. The room was large. There was a giant fountain in the middle of the room. It seemed to be carved from stone, and it was a SeaWing-like statue. There also appeared to be more rooms. 

"How is this place so large? Surely it would stick out from the Summer Palace?" Abysswatcher insisted, confused. 

"Animus magic, or whatever," Drown muttered. He flicked his tail sharply. "My brother was nice to you. But that doesn't mean I'll be nice to you."

"Why's that? Do you feel the need to adopt Clam's beliefs just because she's your mother?" Abysswatcher asked, feeling the muscles tense in his arms.

Drown's snout wrinkled. "Do you want to be kicked out?" He snarled. "Just follow me and keep quiet, weirdo. Then you'll get what you want."

"I'll shut up. But only if you answer my question," Abysswatcher sighed. "Do you hate NightWings or something?" He asked.

Drown's claws clicked on the shiny floor. "My mother taught me that all NightWings are thieves, murderers, and liars. So yes, I do hate them. Which means I also don't like you."

So is she manipulating all SeaWings to think like that? He shook his head slightly. No, Eelgrass was sorta kind to me, so it can't be all of them. "Hmp, well I have another question. Do all SeaWings think like that? Does everyone here hate NightWings?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"I'm not sure about that. But there are many SeaWings, so there probably are a few who don't think like the majority around here," Drown answered. "Now will you please shut up?" He growled, narrowing his eyes.

"One more question," Abysswatcher said quickly. "Did something happen for her to hate all NightWings?"

Drown grew still. "I don't know. That's the last question. Just shut up now," he growled, flicking his tail.

Abysswatcher's shoulders tensed. Something had to of happened for it to be like this! I'm going to find out what it is. He looked around at the different rooms, narrowing his eyes and trying to see if any room contained books or scrolls. Maybe I can come back if I have the time.

Wings of Fire: Under the Red Moons #3Where stories live. Discover now