Chapter 1: Cheating

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Derek Wildstar looked out the window of the Argo in his quarters. He looked at the stars and the galaxies, The planets and moons, the nebulae...just into space. He tried thinking of his mega sus wife, Nova Forrester...but it was no use. only one person was on his mind at this moment. Susumu Kodai.

Nova walked through the door. "Hey Derek, how was your day today? I didn't see you much. It was pretty quiet today." Nova said while getting in her PJ's. " was good...tell me, have you seen Kodai?" Asked Derek. "Yes I have, hes in his quarters with Yuki last time I saw, why?" She told him. "Oh...I just wanted to him...yeah." He replied. "Oh ok, well thats where he is! Love you." She said. "Yeah yeah love you too ig." He said walking out the door. 

He got to Kodai's quarters. Suprisingly, his wife, Yuki Mori, was not there. "Hey hotdog." Said Derek walking through the door. "Hey" Said Kodai. "Wheres Yuki?" Asked Derek coming closer. "Shes not tired, not sure where she went lol" Kodai replied. "Oh well then...its just us." Derek said. "Yeah..." Kodai said.

"Kodai...I'm in love with you!!!!111!!!!! i can't hide it any longer! I know, i know! I'm married to Nova! but I don't love her anymore! I love YOU kodai! YOU!" Derek blurted out. Kodai just stood there shocked. "I-I-I-I-I-I feel the same way Derek...I'm not in love with Yuki anymore I'm in love with you Derek!" Kodai said.

Derek came closer to him. "Babe...I love you!" Derek said about to kiss him. "But should we really do this? This is cheating! We should at least devorce our wives first don't you think...before we run away together and get married!" Kodai said. "I don't have the time to devorce Nova right now. Shes asleep." Said Derek. Then he kissed Kodai.

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