Chapter 2: Sup, Crackface?

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Alias's POV

I ran forward towards the treeline, desperate to reach my friends first. But the sounds of battle had already began and I was going to be late.

I jumped over a log and emerged from the treeline, immediately assaulted by the sight of a finished battle. I had been too late.

A soldier yelled and pointed at me, I quickly unfroze and dodged a wave of bull- tranq darts? Thuds sounded behind me and I growled and ran forward, materializing a sword and slamming the butt into a soldier.

He crumpled to the ground and I started attacking the others. Eventually, I fought to the armoured vehicle that held my friends and raised my sword. Something small stabbed my wrist as I was swinging and I stumbled, missing the lock.

I looked at the object and saw a tranquilizer dart in my  wrist and glared towards my attacker, revealed as Agent Fowler.

I raised the sword again as the man ran towards me, I only needed to break them free so th-

The sword missed again as Agent Fowler tackled me to the floor. I growled and tried to poke him, but he pinned my wrist with a solid foot. My comrades shouted in outrage.

"Come on kid, stop struggling. The tranq should already be working by now." He said calmly.

I continued to struggle. True, I was feeling fatigued, but that was no excuse to fall unconscious. He sighed and wrenched my arms behind my back and cuffed them, I felt something slide over my knuckles and flexed my fingers.

An Elsa cuff. Stupid movies.

I was hauled to my feet and escorted away from my comrades towards another armoured vehicle.

"Why isn't the tranquilizer working?" Fowler asked someone.

"I don't know, better metabolism? I'm not a scientist, just a field medic." The soldier answered.


He pushed me towards a door way and I hid a grin. This was my moment.

Once we got to the door, I kicked up and put my feet against the doorframe before pushing out and knocking Fowler over.

We landed with a thump, but I quickly got up and ran towards my charges, who hollered with joy and shook the cage bars as I approached.

"HALT!" Agent Fowler yelled.

"Like Tartarus!" I yelled in return before jumping up and sticking my hands through the bars.

Someone quickly grabbed them and I felt the looking mechanism shifting. Fowler and his soldiers caught up and tried to pry me off, but everyone else had a tight grip too.

It hurt.

I tried to bit someone who grabbed my shoulder, and they quickly snapped their hand back. I smirked before I felt their grip begin to prevail over my friends.

And just when I was almost out of the cage, the lock clicked and feel off. I jumped off the car and slammed into someone, dragging them down and then rolling.

I popped up and unleashed my sword, before desperately slashing it at the lock on the car, but someone grabbed my arm and I slashed their shoulder instead.

Something was embedded in my forearm and I growled as everything became blurry and wobbly. I stumbled for a second before falling over into someone's arms.

"We got her." He said.

"Finally! She tried to bite me!" Another solider complained, holding her hand close to her chest.

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