Britney 2.0

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"Great news, guys." Mr. Schue announced as he walked into the choir room. "Principal Figgins has asked us to perform at the annual back-to-school pep rally this week. Now, I understand our National Champion street cred has dropped a little bit since school started, but this is our chance to really wow them and get it back."

"What are we gonna perform?" Marley asked, causing the teacher to smile as he moved toward the whiteboard.

"Good question." He said, before writing down Britney 2.0 on the board. "We're a family in here, and when one of our family is falling down, it's up to us to get together to pick them back up."

"Oh, my God." Tina gasped. "Are we doing Britney Week again?"

"You really came into your own during the last Britney Week." Mr. Schue said, walking over to Brittany who had been rather down ever since she had been kicked out of the Cheerios. "You showed us the best of Britney. Youth, energy, confidence. She inspires you, and you inspire us. So everyone prepare a Britney song for the week, and we're gonna pick one to do for the pep rally. And I've asked Blaine and Artie to give us a little taste of what we're looking for."

At the mention of their names, the two boys moved to the center of the choir room.

"This one's for you, Brittany." Blaine said, but Brittany barely reacted.

Winnie enjoyed Artie and Blaine's mashup of Boys and Boyfriend as they sang it directly to Brittany and, as much as the girl didn't even crack a smile, Winnie could tell she had enjoyed it a little.

"So, Britt, what'd you think?" Blaine asked, as soon as the performance was over and the clapping died down.

"I'm once again inspired by the awesomeness of Britney." Brittany said, as everyone smiled, almost relieved, thinking they had managed to help Brittany. "Thanks, Mr. Schue."

Oh, if they only knew how wrong they were...


"Fine." Winnie finally gave in, after having Just Jake from glee auditions following her around for the past two days trying to score a date with her. "But you're buying dinner."

"Deal." Jake smirked at her, as she stood by her locker and the girl had to roll her eyes at him then. He reminded her of someone, but she couldn't quite place it. She'd have to dig a little on the internet for his profile later. "I'll pick you up at seven?"

"You don't drive." Winnie noted.

"Not legally."

"No way I'm ending my night in jail." Winnie shook her head. "Text me your address. I'm picking you up."

"That's ridiculous." Jake huffed, as Winnie smirked.

"You just got yourself a date with a senior, Jake." Winnie pointed out, as the boy nodded slowly. "That's bound to up your cool factor. Who's driving the car should be the least of your concerns."

"Fine." Jake shrugged then. "I'll wait for you at seven."

"Cool." Winnie nodded. "See you then."

And with a wink in her direction, Jake turned around to leave. Winnie turned back to look at her locker then, pulling out the books she would need for the rest of her day and jumping slightly when she closed her locker and turned around, only to bump into somebody else.

"You do know he's a sophomore, right?"

At the sound of his voice, Winnie groaned. Sam Evans had barely talked to her all summer - well, actually, he had tried, but, after Rory had left, she had refused to be alone in the same room as him for longer than five minutes - so what right did he even have to come up to her so demanding about who she talked to?

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now