Part 13 - The date

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Kirishima's POV:

"Aye, where did Y/N go?" Denki asked.

I looked around, realizing she was gone. "Uhm-"

"She said she wanted to get boba," Mr. Aizawa stood up and walked out of the classroom. I nodded.

"Boba does sound good right now," Sero mumbled. We all ate lunch together, but I had an uneasy feeling. Todoroki wasn't here either, did the conversation they had this morning have anything to do with it? I shook my head, even if it did, I had no say in it. I had to focus on how I would make Y/N have the most fun on our date so I can make her mine.

The bell rang, and Todoroki walked in with Bakugou walking in after him. I went to my seat and I waited to see if Y/N came back. The second bell rang, and she didn't come back. Mr. Aizawa came in, looking around. His head tilted when he saw that Y/N wasn't here. Suddenly, the door was thrown open.

Hawks had a tray with two boba drinks in one hand, and in the other he was dragging a struggling Y/N. He beamed, "Look who I ran into getting boba!" She wore different clothes, clothes that covered her body.

Y/N twisted out of his grip and took her mask off. She grabbed a drink and stormed back to her seat. Hawks just smiled slyly and put the other drink on Mr. Aizawa's desk, "Y/N got you one." He nodded. Hawks waved to her, "Bye N/N!" Y/N smiled and flipped him off before he left. I felt relief wash over me. If Hawks ran into Y/N getting boba, that means that she and Todoroki were separate.

Class continued, and I looked over to Y/N as she sipped on her boba. It was fun watching her look to the bottom of the cup, trying to sip out the jelly and popping boba. Then I frowned. Her eyes were half closed, and she looked tired. Her leg was bouncing up and down as she drank. Maybe struggling out of Hawks grip did wear her out, plus she was healed pretty quickly. I nodded before turning my attention back to the teacher.

Finally, it was hero training. Y/N left as we retreated to the locker rooms. I watched as she stuffed her hands into her pocket and walked the other way. We all met at the field and waited for Mr. Aizawa to say something. Out came Y/N, in her bandaged body and black shadow skirt. Mr. Aizawa frowned, "Why do you still have bandages?" She didn't answer.

He sighed, "Today we will be learning how to attack from afar." He gestured to Y/N, "She will not be teleporting so it makes it more realistic for all of you." We all nodded. Mr. Aizawa asked Ururaka to raise a baseball high in the middle of the field. We stepped back as Y/N groaned.

"I'm tired."

"I'll get you sushi," Mr. Aizawa said.

"Tomorrow, because I have plans after this." Mr. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. I saw Denki look over at me and wink. Y/N took a deep breath, before a scythe started to form in her hand, her tattoos started glowing a little.

Once the scythe fully formed, she twisted it into her hand before slicing the blade on her palm. We were too shocked to say anything. She transferred the scythe to the bleeding hand and she smiled. Quickly she bolted in the other direction, never keeping her eyes off the ball. The scythe turned black and molded into a bow and an arrow. She twisted her body and the arrow shot through, straight at the baseball. When the arrow hit, the baseball disintegrated. Then the arrow teleported back to her.

"HUH?!" Bakugou said, "I thought she can't teleport things."

"Y/N, they need an explanation."

She walked over to us as her bow started turning back into a scythe, before it disappeared completely. She showed her hand, which was healed, "The bow was made out of my own blood. With my blood, I can turn the scythe into any weapon I need. But since it is made out of my blood, if it hits anything that is not me, then that something will disintegrate."

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